This is my own implementation of the "Would you rather..." game as part of the Udacity React Nanodegree.
In this app, you will be able to choose your user from a preset list of users (which emulates a sign in process), and will access a private area where you will be able to:
- Check and answer all your unanswered questions, among all existing questions;
- Check all your answered questions, among all existing questions;
- Check the stats of a specific question;
- Create new questions;
- Check the leaderboard.
Clone this repo and, inside the cloned rep, run:
$ npm install
After installation, run:
$ npm start
If not automatically loaded, open your browser and acess http://localhost:3000
- Brave Version 0.62.51 Chromium: 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit)