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This library is part of the ppwcode project and encapsulates the vernacular on exceptions.

Getting started

PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions III

This is version III of the library, which is designed to work with Microsoft .NET 4.5 and Microsoft .NET Standard 2.0.

The library is available as the NuGet package PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions.III in the NuGet Gallery. It can be installed using the Nuget package manager from inside Visual Studio.

Earlier versions

PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions I

Version I of the library is still available in maintenance mode, and is compatible with Microsoft .NET 3.5.

This version is available on the git branch I/master. It is currently not available in the NuGet Gallery. One can however build the package oneself and publish it on a local repository.

PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions II

Version II of the library is still available in maintenance mode, and is compatible with Microsoft .NET 4.5.

Version II is available on the git branch II/master and as the NuGet package PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions.II in the NuGet Gallery. It can be installed using the Nuget package manager from inside Visual Studio.

Build your own

A couple of reasons come to mind as to why you would want to build your own package of this library. One reason would be that you need a version of the library built with the debug configuration. Another reason might be that you need features that are available on master, but that are not yet released.

Building your own package of this library is very easy. A psake build script is added for this purpose.

Before executing regular psake tasks, the environment must first be initialized. To do this, open a PowerShell prompt, and execute the following in src\.


This will initialize your environment. Note that the script assumes that the NuGet commandline client is available on the path.

After the initialization, several psake tasks can be executed using the PowerShell command Invoke-psake that is available now. Here are a couple of examples:

Invoke-psake ?
Invoke-psake PackageRestore
Invoke-psake Package -properties @{ 'configuration'='Debug'; 'repos'=@('nuget'); 'publishrepo' = 'local' }

The last line builds a NuGet package using the 'Debug' configuration, and publishes it to the NuGet repository with the name 'local'. The NuGet repository 'nuget' is used to locate the dependent NuGet packages.

Working in Rider on macOS

On macOS, you can use Rider to work on this code. Sadly, 1 small change has to be made for Rider to be able to build. We are looking into the issue.

//TODO: make source link work on Rider

  1. Open src/III/PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions.III.csproj (right-click on the project in the Solution in the Project Explorer, and select Edit / Edit PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions.III.csproj ).

  2. Remove or comment out the section that refers to SourceLink:

         <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" …>

!!! Never commit this change !!!

Build should now work.


See the GitHub Contributors list.

This package is part of the ppwcode project by PeopleWare n.v..

More information can be found in the following locations:

Please note that not all information on those sites is up-to-date. We are currently in the process of moving the code away from the Google code subversion repositories to git repositories on GitHub.

ppwcode .NET

For the .NET libraries, development will be done in the GitHub repositories, and all new stable releases will also be published as packages on the NuGet Gallery.

We believe in Design By Contract. Preconditions are enforced with Assert statements. Postconditions and invariants are tested in unit tests.

The packages include both the pdb and xml files, for debugging symbols and documentation respectively. In the future we might look into using symbol servers.

License and Copyright

Copyright 2014 - 2018 by PeopleWare n.v..

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


.NET library PPWCode.Vernacular.Exceptions







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