A little widget to create an iOS-like Segmented Control for android. The segmented control widget in iOS is sometimes great and isn't very different then a beautiful styled radio button. I created a little widget, that imitates that behavior. It creates buttons and styles their edges accordingly.
Checkout this project and add it as an android library to your project. Unfortunately, due to Android limitations I cannot make a jar library out of this, as it needs references to the R file and the resources.
You can create as many buttons as you like, but I recommend to keep them under 5. By default the first (left most) button is selected and the labels of the buttons are trimmed if their length is longer than 10 characters. You can overwrite this behavior (see the examples).
Basic Usage
android:text="Filter 1"
style="@style/SmallSegmentedFilter" />
<View style="@style/VerticalLine" /> <!-- not necessary, but looks better if you have more than two buttons-->
android:text="Filter 2"
style="@style/SmallSegmentedFilter" />
Overwrite Default Behaviour
include this into your layout namespaces:
<!-- first button not selected -->
<!-- max text length before trim = 15 characters -->
android:text="Filter 1"
Change Styles
If you like to have the bigger buttons then use @style/BigSegmentedFilter. In order to change the coloring scheme you can edit the colors in res/values/sc_values.xml. There are some predefined color schemes, but you can use whatever colors you like. Just change the values of the following colors:
<color name="sc_top_selected">...</color>
<color name="sc_bottom_selected">...</color>
<color name="sc_top_unselected">...</color>
<color name="sc_bottom_unselected">...</color>
<color name="sc_separator">...</color>
Unfortunately, android poses some limitations and that is why I was forced to do some things that I don't like. If you have other ideas, feel free to comment or contribute.
- no jar library can be created, as I use some resources and need the reference to the generated R file in order to read the properties. Only an android library project allows the usage of own R class as it includes it automatically during build.
- Due to an android bug a little hack is used in order to make only some of the corners rounded. Thanks to this SO Thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6003382/how-can-i-work-around-android-issue-9161-where-bottomrightradius-and-bottomleft