A scriptcs script pack enabling the creation of scriptcs (.csx) build scripts.
Shovel provides a task-centric environment that can be used to create build scripts with the full power of .Net.
You define a task by specifying the task name, any tasks it may be dependent on, and lastly the action(s) that should be performed by the task.
The following script defines a task named "DeployNewVersion" which is dependent on a task named "Build". The "Build" task invokes MSBuild to build a C# project. The "DeployNewVersion" task then copies the built application to a target location.
.MsBuild(msb =>
msb.Project = @"c:\my-project\my-project.csproj";
msb.Targets("Clean", "Compile");
.Do(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Deploying new version...");
File.Copy(@"c:\my-project\bin\debug\my-project.exe", @"c:\deployment\my-project.exe");
When executing the script, the task(s) to run may be specified as follows:
scriptcs mybuildscript.csx -- -tasks:DeployNewVersion
A task may declare multiple dependencies eg:
.DependsOn("Build", "Test")
Multiple tasks to run may be specified on the command line eg:
scriptcs build.csx -- -tasks:Clean,Build,Deploy