This is an Event Sourcing implementation in Scala, based on the original Dbd ideas (which was naively reinventing the Event Sourcing concepts and using them for better storage and distributed caching of RDF triples to provide better handling of Linked Data ...).
Licensed under the MIT License.
To build a fat jar using the sbt-assembly plug-in, run:
sbt assembly
A first file with InFacts can be processed e.g. with:
# the metadata for production code should be outside the git repo
mkdir ../metadata
# copy an example of valid_predicates to the metadata dir
cp src/test/resources/predicates/valid_predicates.csv ../metadata
# The InFactsReader takes only 1 file as argument (no schema etc)
java -cp target/scala-2.12/AllMyData-assembly-0.0.3.jar cli.InFactsReader AllMyData/src/test/resources/in_fact_csv/two_in_facts_with_csv_reference.csv