Trello Api generated from the online documentation
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import swagger_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: apikey
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['key'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: oauth
swagger_client.configuration.api_key['token'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# swagger_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['token'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.DefaultApi()
id_action = 'id_action_example' # str | The ID of the action
member = 'member_example' # str | Whether to load the member as a nested resource. See Members Nested Resource (optional)
emoji = 'emoji_example' # str | Whether to load the emoji as a nested resource. (optional)
# List reactions for an action
api_instance.actions_id_action_reactions_get(id_action, member=member, emoji=emoji)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->actions_id_action_reactions_get: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DefaultApi | actions_id_action_reactions_get | GET /actions/{idAction}/reactions | List reactions for an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_action_reactions_id_delete | DELETE /actions/{idAction}/reactions/{id} | Deletes a reaction |
DefaultApi | actions_id_action_reactions_id_get | GET /actions/{idAction}/reactions/{id} | Get information for a reaction |
DefaultApi | actions_id_action_reactions_post | POST /actions/{idAction}/reactions | Adds a new reaction to an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_action_reactions_summary_get | GET /actions/{idAction}/reactionsSummary | List a summary of all reactions for an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_board_get | GET /actions/{id}/board | Get the board for an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_card_get | GET /actions/{id}/card | Get the card for an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_delete | DELETE /actions/{id} | Delete a comment action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_display_get | GET /actions/{id}/display | Get the display information for an action. |
DefaultApi | actions_id_field_get | GET /actions/{id}/{field} | Get a specific property of an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_get | GET /actions/{id} | Get information about an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_list_get | GET /actions/{id}/list | Get the list for an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_member_creator_get | GET /actions/{id}/memberCreator | Gets the member who created the action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_member_get | GET /actions/{id}/member | Gets the member of an action (not the creator) |
DefaultApi | actions_id_organization_get | GET /actions/{id}/organization | Get the organization of an action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_put | PUT /actions/{id} | Update a comment action |
DefaultApi | actions_id_text_put | PUT /actions/{id}/text | Update a comment action |
DefaultApi | batch_get | GET /batch | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_actions_get | GET /boards/{id}/actions | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_board_plugins_get | GET /boards/{id}/boardPlugins | Get the enabled Power-Ups on a board |
DefaultApi | boards_id_board_plugins_id_plugin_delete | DELETE /boards/{id}/boardPlugins/{idPlugin} | Disable a Power-Up on a board |
DefaultApi | boards_id_board_plugins_post | POST /boards/{id}/boardPlugins | Enable a Power-Up on a board |
DefaultApi | boards_id_board_stars_get | GET /boards/{id}/boardStars | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_calendar_key_generate_post | POST /boards/{id}/calendarKey/generate | Create a new board. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_cards_card_id_get | GET /boards/{id}/cards/{cardId} | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_cards_filter_get | GET /boards/{id}/cards/{filter} | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_cards_get | GET /boards/{id}/cards | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_checklists_get | GET /boards/{id}/checklists | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_checklists_post | POST /boards/{id}/checklists | Create a new checklist. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_custom_fields_get | GET /boards/{id}/customFields | Get the Custom Field Definitions that exist on a board. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_delete | DELETE /boards/{id} | Delete a board. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_email_key_generate_post | POST /boards/{id}/emailKey/generate | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_field_get | GET /boards/{id}/{field} | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_get | GET /boards/{id} | Request a single board. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_id_tags_post | POST /boards/{id}/idTags | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_labels_get | GET /boards/{id}/labels | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_labels_post | POST /boards/{id}/labels | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_lists_filter_get | GET /boards/{id}/lists/{filter} | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_lists_get | GET /boards/{id}/lists | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_lists_post | POST /boards/{id}/lists | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_marked_as_viewed_post | POST /boards/{id}/markedAsViewed | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_members_get | GET /boards/{id}/members | Get the members for a board |
DefaultApi | boards_id_members_id_member_delete | DELETE /boards/{id}/members/{idMember} | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_members_id_member_put | PUT /boards/{id}/members/{idMember} | Add a member to the board. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_members_put | PUT /boards/{id}/members | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_memberships_get | GET /boards/{id}/memberships | Get information about the memberships users have to the board. |
DefaultApi | boards_id_memberships_id_membership_put | PUT /boards/{id}/memberships/{idMembership} | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_email_position_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/emailPosition | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_id_email_list_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/idEmailList | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_show_list_guide_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showListGuide | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_show_sidebar_activity_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebarActivity | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_show_sidebar_board_actions_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebarBoardActions | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_show_sidebar_members_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebarMembers | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_my_prefs_show_sidebar_put | PUT /boards/{id}/myPrefs/showSidebar | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_plugins_get | GET /boards/{id}/plugins | List the Power-Ups for a board |
DefaultApi | boards_id_power_ups_post | POST /boards/{id}/powerUps | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_power_ups_power_up_delete | DELETE /boards/{id}/powerUps/{powerUp} | |
DefaultApi | boards_id_put | PUT /boards/{id} | Update an existing board by id |
DefaultApi | boards_id_tags_get | GET /boards/{id}/tags | |
DefaultApi | boards_post | POST /boards/ | Create a new board. |
DefaultApi | card_id_card_custom_field_id_custom_field_item_put | PUT /card/{idCard}/customField/{idCustomField}/item | Setting, updating, and removing the value for a Custom Field on a card. |
DefaultApi | cards_id_actions_comments_post | POST /cards/{id}/actions/comments | Add a new comment to a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_actions_get | GET /cards/{id}/actions | List the actions on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_actions_id_action_comments_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/actions/{idAction}/comments | Delete a comment |
DefaultApi | cards_id_actions_id_action_comments_put | PUT /cards/{id}/actions/{idAction}/comments | Update an existing comment |
DefaultApi | cards_id_attachments_get | GET /cards/{id}/attachments | List the attachments on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_attachments_id_attachment_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/attachments/{idAttachment} | Delete an attachment |
DefaultApi | cards_id_attachments_id_attachment_get | GET /cards/{id}/attachments/{idAttachment} | Get a specific attachment on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_attachments_post | POST /cards/{id}/attachments | Add an attachment to a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_board_get | GET /cards/{id}/board | Get the board a card is on |
DefaultApi | cards_id_card_checklist_id_checklist_check_item_id_check_item_put | PUT /cards/{idCard}/checklist/{idChecklist}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Update an item in a checklist on a card. |
DefaultApi | cards_id_check_item_id_check_item_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Delete a checklist item |
DefaultApi | cards_id_check_item_id_check_item_get | GET /cards/{id}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Get a specific checkItem on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_check_item_id_check_item_put | PUT /cards/{id}/checkItem/{idCheckItem} | Update an item in a checklist on a card. |
DefaultApi | cards_id_check_item_states_get | GET /cards/{id}/checkItemStates | Get the completed checklist items on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_checklists_get | GET /cards/{id}/checklists | Get the checklists on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_checklists_id_checklist_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/checklists/{idChecklist} | Delete a checklist from a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_checklists_post | POST /cards/{id}/checklists | Create a new checklist on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_custom_field_items_get | GET /cards/{id}/customFieldItems | Get the custom field items for a card. |
DefaultApi | cards_id_delete | DELETE /cards/{id} | Delete a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_field_get | GET /cards/{id}/{field} | Get a specific property of a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_get | GET /cards/{id} | Get a card by its ID |
DefaultApi | cards_id_id_labels_id_label_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/idLabels/{idLabel} | Remove a label from a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_id_labels_post | POST /cards/{id}/idLabels | Add a label to a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_id_members_id_member_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/idMembers/{idMember} | Remove a member from a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_id_members_post | POST /cards/{id}/idMembers | Add a member to a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_labels_post | POST /cards/{id}/labels | Add a new label to a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_list_get | GET /cards/{id}/list | Get the list a card is in |
DefaultApi | cards_id_mark_associated_notifications_read_post | POST /cards/{id}/markAssociatedNotificationsRead | Mark notifications about this card as read |
DefaultApi | cards_id_members_get | GET /cards/{id}/members | Get the members on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_members_voted_get | GET /cards/{id}/membersVoted | Get the members who have voted on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_members_voted_id_member_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/membersVoted/{idMember} | Remove a member's vote from a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_members_voted_post | POST /cards/{id}/membersVoted | Vote on the card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_plugin_data_get | GET /cards/{id}/pluginData | Get any shared pluginData on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_put | PUT /cards/{id} | Update a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_stickers_get | GET /cards/{id}/stickers | Get the stickers on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_stickers_id_sticker_delete | DELETE /cards/{id}/stickers/{idSticker} | Remove a sticker from the card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_stickers_id_sticker_get | GET /cards/{id}/stickers/{idSticker} | Get a specific sticker on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_id_stickers_id_sticker_put | PUT /cards/{id}/stickers/{idSticker} | Update a sticker on a card |
DefaultApi | cards_post | POST /cards | Create a new card |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_board_get | GET /checklists/{id}/board | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_cards_get | GET /checklists/{id}/cards | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_check_items_get | GET /checklists/{id}/checkItems | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_check_items_id_check_item_delete | DELETE /checklists/{id}/checkItems/{idCheckItem} | Remove an item from a checklist |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_check_items_id_check_item_get | GET /checklists/{id}/checkItems/{idCheckItem} | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_check_items_id_check_item_put | PUT /checklists/{id}/checkItems/{idCheckItem} | Update check item. |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_check_items_post | POST /checklists/{id}/checkItems | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_delete | DELETE /checklists/{id} | Delete a checklist |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_field_get | GET /checklists/{id}/{field} | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_get | GET /checklists/{id} | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_name_put | PUT /checklists/{id}/name | |
DefaultApi | checklists_id_put | PUT /checklists/{id} | Update an existing checklist. |
DefaultApi | checklists_post | POST /checklists | |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_id_delete | DELETE /customFields/{id} | Delete a Custom Field from a board. |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_id_get | GET /customFields/{id} | |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_id_options_get | GET /customFields/{id}/options | Get the options of a drop down Custom Field |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_id_options_id_custom_field_option_get | GET /customFields/{id}/options/{idCustomFieldOption} | |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_id_options_post | POST /customFields/{id}/options | Add an option to a dropdown Custom Field |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_id_put | PUT /customFields/{id} | Update a Custom Field definition. |
DefaultApi | custom_fields_post | POST /customFields | Create a new Custom Field on a board. |
DefaultApi | customfields_id_options_id_custom_field_option_delete | DELETE /customfields/{id}/options/{idCustomFieldOption} | Delete an option from a Custom Field dropdown. |
DefaultApi | emoji_get | GET /emoji | List available emoji |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_admins_get | GET /enterprises/{id}/admins | Get an enterprise's admin members. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_admins_id_member_delete | DELETE /enterprises/{id}/admins/{idMember} | Remove an member as admin from an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_admins_id_member_put | PUT /enterprises/{id}/admins/{idMember} | Make member an admin of enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_get | GET /enterprises/{id} | Get an enterprise by its ID. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_members_get | GET /enterprises/{id}/members | Get the members of an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_members_id_member_deactivated_put | PUT /enterprises/{id}/members/{idMember}/deactivated | Deactivate a member of an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_members_id_member_get | GET /enterprises/{id}/members/{idMember} | Get a specific member of an enterprise by ID. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_organizations_id_organization_delete | DELETE /enterprises/{id}/organizations/{idOrganization} | Remove an organization from an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_organizations_put | PUT /enterprises/{id}/organizations | Transfer an organization to an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_signup_url_get | GET /enterprises/{id}/signupUrl | Get the signup URL for an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_tokens_post | POST /enterprises/{id}/tokens | Generate an auth token for an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | enterprises_id_transferrable_organization_id_organization_get | GET /enterprises/{id}/transferrable/organization/{idOrganization} | Get whether an organization can be transferred to an enterprise. |
DefaultApi | labels_id_color_put | PUT /labels/{id}/color | Update the color of a label by ID. |
DefaultApi | labels_id_delete | DELETE /labels/{id} | Delete a label by ID. |
DefaultApi | labels_id_get | GET /labels/{id} | Get information about a label by ID. |
DefaultApi | labels_id_name_put | PUT /labels/{id}/name | Update the name of a label by ID. |
DefaultApi | labels_id_put | PUT /labels/{id} | Update a label by ID. |
DefaultApi | labels_post | POST /labels | Create a new label on a board. |
DefaultApi | lists_id_actions_get | GET /lists/{id}/actions | List the actions on a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_archive_all_cards_post | POST /lists/{id}/archiveAllCards | Archive all cards in a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_board_get | GET /lists/{id}/board | Get the board a list is on |
DefaultApi | lists_id_cards_get | GET /lists/{id}/cards | List the cards in a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_closed_put | PUT /lists/{id}/closed | Archive or unarchive a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_field_get | GET /lists/{id}/{field} | Get a specific property of a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_get | GET /lists/{id} | Get information about a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_id_board_put | PUT /lists/{id}/idBoard | Move a list to a new board |
DefaultApi | lists_id_move_all_cards_post | POST /lists/{id}/moveAllCards | Move all cards in a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_name_put | PUT /lists/{id}/name | Rename a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_pos_put | PUT /lists/{id}/pos | Change the position of a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_put | PUT /lists/{id} | Update the properties of a list |
DefaultApi | lists_id_subscribed_put | PUT /lists/{id}/subscribed | Subscribe or unsubscribe from a list |
DefaultApi | lists_post | POST /lists | Create a new list on a board |
DefaultApi | members_id_actions_get | GET /members/{id}/actions | List the actions for a member |
DefaultApi | members_id_avatar_post | POST /members/{id}/avatar | Create a new avatar for a member |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_backgrounds_get | GET /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds | Get a member's custom board backgrounds |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_backgrounds_id_background_delete | DELETE /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Delete a board background |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_backgrounds_id_background_get | GET /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Get a member's board background |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_backgrounds_id_background_put | PUT /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Update a board background |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_backgrounds_post | POST /members/{id}/boardBackgrounds | Upload a new boardBackground |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_stars_get | GET /members/{id}/boardStars | List a member's board stars |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_stars_id_star_delete | DELETE /members/{id}/boardStars/{idStar} | Unstar a board |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_stars_id_star_get | GET /members/{id}/boardStars/{idStar} | Get a specific boardStar |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_stars_id_star_put | PUT /members/{id}/boardStars/{idStar} | Update the position of a starred board |
DefaultApi | members_id_board_stars_post | POST /members/{id}/boardStars | Star a new board |
DefaultApi | members_id_boards_get | GET /members/{id}/boards | Lists the boards a member has access to |
DefaultApi | members_id_boards_invited_get | GET /members/{id}/boardsInvited | Get the boards the member has been invited to |
DefaultApi | members_id_cards_get | GET /members/{id}/cards | Gets the cards a member is on |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_board_backgrounds_get | GET /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds | Get a member's custom board backgrounds |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_board_backgrounds_id_background_delete | DELETE /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Delete a custom board background |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_board_backgrounds_id_background_get | GET /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | Get a specific custom board background |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_board_backgrounds_id_background_put | PUT /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds/{idBackground} | |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_board_backgrounds_post | POST /members/{id}/customBoardBackgrounds | Upload a new custom board background |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_emoji_get | GET /members/{id}/customEmoji | Get a member's uploaded custom emoji |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_emoji_id_emoji_get | GET /members/{id}/customEmoji/{idEmoji} | Get a custom emoji |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_emoji_post | POST /members/{id}/customEmoji | Upload a new custom emoji |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_stickers_get | GET /members/{id}/customStickers | Get a member's uploaded stickers |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_stickers_id_sticker_delete | DELETE /members/{id}/customStickers/{idSticker} | Delete a custom sticker |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_stickers_id_sticker_get | GET /members/{id}/customStickers/{idSticker} | Get an uploaded sticker |
DefaultApi | members_id_custom_stickers_post | POST /members/{id}/customStickers | Upload a new custom sticker |
DefaultApi | members_id_enterprises_get | GET /members/{id}/enterprises/ | Get the enterprises that a member belongs to. |
DefaultApi | members_id_field_get | GET /members/{id}/{field} | Get a particular property of a member |
DefaultApi | members_id_get | GET /members/{id} | Get a member |
DefaultApi | members_id_notifications_get | GET /members/{id}/notifications | Get a member's notifications |
DefaultApi | members_id_one_time_messages_dismissed_post | POST /members/{id}/oneTimeMessagesDismissed | Dismiss a message |
DefaultApi | members_id_organizations_get | GET /members/{id}/organizations | Get a member's teams |
DefaultApi | members_id_organizations_invited_get | GET /members/{id}/organizationsInvited | Get a member's teams they have been invited to |
DefaultApi | members_id_put | PUT /members/{id} | Update a member |
DefaultApi | members_id_saved_searches_get | GET /members/{id}/savedSearches | List the saved searches of a member |
DefaultApi | members_id_saved_searches_id_search_delete | DELETE /members/{id}/savedSearches/{idSearch} | Delete a saved search |
DefaultApi | members_id_saved_searches_id_search_get | GET /members/{id}/savedSearches/{idSearch} | Get a saved search |
DefaultApi | members_id_saved_searches_id_search_put | PUT /members/{id}/savedSearches/{idSearch} | Update a saved search |
DefaultApi | members_id_saved_searches_post | POST /members/{id}/savedSearches | Create a new saved search |
DefaultApi | members_id_tokens_get | GET /members/{id}/tokens | List a members app tokens |
DefaultApi | notifications_all_read_post | POST /notifications/all/read | Mark all notifications as read |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_board_get | GET /notifications/{id}/board | Get the board a notification is associated with |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_card_get | GET /notifications/{id}/card | Get the card a notification is associated with |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_field_get | GET /notifications/{id}/{field} | Get a specific property of a notification |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_get | GET /notifications/{id} | |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_list_get | GET /notifications/{id}/list | Get the list a notification is associated with |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_member_creator_get | GET /notifications/{id}/memberCreator | Get the member who created the notification |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_member_get | GET /notifications/{id}/member | Get the member (not the creator) a notification is about |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_organization_get | GET /notifications/{id}/organization | Get the organization a notification is associated with |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_put | PUT /notifications/{id} | Update the read status of a notification |
DefaultApi | notifications_id_unread_put | PUT /notifications/{id}/unread | Update the read status of a notification |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_actions_get | GET /organizations/{id}/actions | List the actions on a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_boards_get | GET /organizations/{id}/boards | List the boards in a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id} | Delete a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_exports_get | GET /organizations/{id}/exports | Retrieve the exports that exist for the given organization |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_exports_post | POST /organizations/{id}/exports | Kick off CSV export for an organization |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_field_get | GET /organizations/{id}/{field} | |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_get | GET /organizations/{id} | |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_logo_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id}/logo | Delete a the logo from a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_logo_post | POST /organizations/{id}/logo | Set the logo image for a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_filter_get | GET /organizations/{id}/members/{filter} | |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_get | GET /organizations/{id}/members | List the members in a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_id_member_all_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember}/all | Remove a member from a team and from all team boards |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_id_member_deactivated_put | PUT /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember}/deactivated | Deactivate or reactivate a member of a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_id_member_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember} | Remove a member from a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_id_member_put | PUT /organizations/{id}/members/{idMember} | Add a member to a team or update their member type. |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_invited_get | GET /organizations/{id}/membersInvited | List the members with pending invites to a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_members_put | PUT /organizations/{id}/members | |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_memberships_get | GET /organizations/{id}/memberships | List the memberships of a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_memberships_id_membership_get | GET /organizations/{id}/memberships/{idMembership} | List the memberships of a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_new_billable_guests_id_board_get | GET /organizations/{id}/newBillableGuests/{idBoard} | Used to check whether the given board has new billable guests on it. |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_plugin_data_get | GET /organizations/{id}/pluginData | Get organization scoped pluginData on this team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_prefs_associated_domain_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id}/prefs/associatedDomain | Remove the associated Google Apps domain from a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_prefs_org_invite_restrict_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id}/prefs/orgInviteRestrict | Remove the email domain restriction on who can be invited to the team |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_put | PUT /organizations/{id} | Update an organization |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_tags_get | GET /organizations/{id}/tags | List the organization's collections |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_tags_id_tag_delete | DELETE /organizations/{id}/tags/{idTag} | Delete an organization's tag |
DefaultApi | organizations_id_tags_post | POST /organizations/{id}/tags | Create a new collection in a team |
DefaultApi | organizations_post | POST /organizations | Create a new team |
DefaultApi | search_get | GET /search | Find what you're looking for in Trello |
DefaultApi | search_members_get | GET /search/members | Search for Trello members |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_delete | DELETE /tokens/{token} | Delete a token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_get | GET /tokens/{token} | Retrieve information about a token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_member_get | GET /tokens/{token}/member | Retrieve information about a token's owner by token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_webhooks_get | GET /tokens/{token}/webhooks | Retrieve all webhooks created with a token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_webhooks_id_webhook_delete | DELETE /tokens/{token}/webhooks/{idWebhook} | Delete a webhook created with given token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_webhooks_id_webhook_get | GET /tokens/{token}/webhooks/{idWebhook} | Retrieve a webhook created with a token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_webhooks_post | POST /tokens/{token}/webhooks | Create a new webhook for a token. |
DefaultApi | tokens_token_webhooks_webhook_id_put | PUT /tokens/{token}/webhooks/{webhookId} | Update an existing webhook. |
DefaultApi | webhooks_id_delete | DELETE /webhooks/{id} | Delete a webhook by ID. |
DefaultApi | webhooks_id_field_get | GET /webhooks/{id}/{field} | Get a webhook's field. |
DefaultApi | webhooks_id_get | GET /webhooks/{id} | Get a webhook by ID. |
DefaultApi | webhooks_id_put | PUT /webhooks/{id} | Update a webhook by ID. |
DefaultApi | webhooks_post | POST /webhooks | Create a new webhook. |
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: key
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: token
- Location: URL query string