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A Javascript style object in C++ and (de)serialization (binary or Json)

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Javascript data in c++


C++ source.

  • Object that manages the standard types of c ++ in the std::vector and std::map structures.

Examples of use: serialization, json objects management, backup of memory contexts, configuration files management, etc ... or, MQTT communications, with a small memory footprint.

Here is a code that I wrote a few years ago, just for fun (and to learn c++) of an untyped object, standard C++ data container, now modified to handle serialization in format Json in my iot projects - this to replace the old libraries by manual reservation of memory spaces ... ;-)


  • use data similar to Javascript variables,
  • binary (de)serialization in/from files, streams or strings,
  • json (de)serialization in/from files, streams or strings,
  • and, of course, a self-managed memory space (nothing more than a c++ flavor).

Here, an intuitive example of HTML communication in an iot project :

Below, more examples of use:

# define out /*
g++ -std=c++0x -rdynamic -Wall -s -O2 -o test $0 untyped.cpp; exit $?
# define out */
# undef out

#include "untyped.h"
#include <fstream>

int main() {			// ****** Intuitive syntax ******

untyped	myJson('j');
myJson.json();	// <-- set the JSON format management in (de)serialization methods.

std::cout << myJson					<< std::endl;
//-> 'j'		// <-- type char

std::cout << ( myJson + 'A' - 'a' )			<< std::endl;
//-> 'J'

myJson = "aaaJaaa";
std::cout << ( myJson + 's' + "on" - "aaa" - "aaa" )	<< std::endl;
//-> "Json"		// <-- type string

myJson.binary();	// <-- BINARY format management
std::cout << ( myJson + 's' + "on" - "aaa" - "aaa" )	<< std::endl;
//-> Json		// <-- std::string

myJson.json();          // <-- Json format
myJson("								\
{									\
    \"name\":        \"Armstrong\",					\
    \"firstname\":   \"Neil\",						\
    \"birthday\":  { \"year\" : 1930, \"month\" : 8, \"day\": 5 },	\
    \"profession\":[ \"pilot\", \"engineer\", \"astronaut\" ],		\
    \"born in\":     \"Wapakoneta - Ohio\",				\
    \"hobbies\": [							\
        \"astronomy\",							\
        \"X-15\",							\
        \"First Man to Walk on the Moon\"				\
    ]									\
}									\
std::cout << myJson["birthday"]["year"] + 39 << std::endl;
//-> 1969

			// ****** Implicit or explicit cast ******

myJson = 31.4159e-1;		// <-- implicite double
auto myDouble = myJson;
std::cout << "myDouble   = " << myDouble		<< std::endl;
//-> myDouble   = 3.14159	// <-- implicite double

std::cout << "cast<float>= " << myDouble.value<float>()<< std::endl;
//-> cast<float>= 3.14159	// <-- explicite float

std::cout << "cast<int>  = " << myDouble.value<int>()	<< std::endl;
//-> cast<int>  = 3		// <-- explicite int

std::cout << "cast<bool> = " << myDouble.value<bool>()	<< std::endl;
//-> cast<bool> = 1		// <-- explicite bool

		// ****** Automatic memory allocation, as close as needed ******

std::cout << myJson << std::endl;
//-> [10,11,12,13]

untyped tmp;
tmp["array1"] = myJson;
tmp["array2"] = myJson; tmp["array2"][3]=23;
tmp["array3"] = myJson; tmp["array3"][2]=32;
tmp["array4"] = myJson; tmp["array4"][1]=41;
myJson = tmp; tmp.clear();
std::cout << myJson << std::endl;
//-> {"array1":[10,11,12,13],"array2":[10,11,12,23],"array3":[10,11,32,13],"array4":[10,41,12,13]}

				// ****** Serialization ******
myJson["string"] = "abcdef";
myJson["char"] = 'a';
myJson["bool"] = true;
myJson["int"] = 15;
myJson["double"] = -3.14159;
myJson["array"][3] = -13;
myJson["array"][2] = -12;
myJson["array"][1] = -11;
myJson["array"][0] = -10;
myJson["empty"] = untyped();
std::cout << myJson << std::endl;
//-> {"array":[-10,-11,-12,-13],"bool":true,"char":'a',"double":-3.14159,"empty":null,"int":15,"string":"abcdef"}

						// From a std::pair
std::cout << untyped(std::pair<std::string,double>{"pi", 3.14159}).serializeJson() << std::endl;
//-> {"pi":3.14159}

				// Deserialize from a std::stream:

std::stringstream       myStream( std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out );

myStream  << "{\"array\":[-10,-11,-12,-13], \"objectArray\" : [{\"o1\":false},{\"o2\":true} , {\"o3\":false}],\"bool\":true,\"char\":'a',\"double\":-3.14159,\"empty\":\"\",\"void\":null,\"int\":15,\"string\":\"abcdef\"}";

std::cout << myJson.deserializeJson( myStream )  << std::endl;
//-> {"array":[-10,-11,-12,-13],"bool":true,"char":'a',"double":-3.14159,"empty":"","int":15,"objectArray":[{"o1":false,"o2":true},{"o1":true,"o2":true},{"o1":true,"o2":false}],"string":"abcdef","void":null}

std::cout << myJson["objectArray"][1]["o2"] << std::endl;
//-> true

std::cout << myJson["objectArray"][2]["o3"] << std::endl;
//-> false

myStream  << "{\"array\":[-10,-11,-12,-13], \"objectArray\" : [{\"o1\":false},{\"o2\":true} , {\"o3\":false}],\"bool\":true,\"char\":'a',\"double\":-3.14159,\"empty\":\"\",\"void\":null,\"int\":15,\"string\":\"abcdef\"}";

std::cout << untyped().json()( myStream )["objectArray"] << std::endl;
//-> [{"o1":false},{"o2":true},{"o3":false}]

				// From a C string (or std::string)
std::cout << myJson.deserializeJson("[0,1,2,3]") << std::endl;
//-> [0,1,2,3]

				// <-- the same thing, with a short syntax...
std::cout << myJson("[0,-1,-2,-4+1]")              << std::endl;
//-> [0,-1,-2,-3]

// *** WARNING *** --> Different from: untyped myJson("[0,-1,-2,-3]"), a simple initialisation from a C string ; so:
{	untyped tmp( "[0,-1,-2,-3]" );			// <-- init with a C string
	std::cout << tmp << std::endl;			// <-- std::string
	//-> "[0,-1,-2,-3]"
	std::cout << tmp.string().at(2) << std::endl;	// <-- check
	//-> ,
	std::cout << "c_str()=" << tmp.c_str() << std::endl;
	//-> c_str()=[0,-1,-2,-3]
	std::cout << tmp.vector().size() << std::endl;	// <-- check
	//-> 0

	tmp( tmp.c_str() );				// <-- deserialisation from a string...

	std::cout << tmp << std::endl;			// <-- std::vector
	//-> [0,-1,-2,-3]
	std::cout << tmp.vector().at(2) << std::endl;	// <-- check
	//-> -2
	std::cout << "Here: c_str()=" << tmp.c_str() << std::endl;
	//-> Here: c_str()=
	std::cout << "but: serializeJson().c_str()=" << tmp.serializeJson().c_str() is a string...<< std::endl;
	//-> but: serializeJson().c_str()=[0,-1,-2,-3] is a string...

				// From std::string to std::stream
untyped().deserializeJson("[ 4 ,-5,   2 ]").serializeJson( myStream );
std::cout << myStream.str() << std::endl;
//-> [4,-5,2]

				// From std::string to std::string:
std::cout << untyped().deserializeJson("[ 'a' ,'b',   'c' ]")[2].serializeJson() << std::endl;
//-> 'c'

				// ****** Indented output ******
myJson.prettyJson(2); // <-- default tab size is 1 when no arg...

myStream  << "{\"array\":[-10,-11,-12,-13], \"objectArray\" : [{\"o1\":false},{\"o2\":true} , {\"o3\":false
std::cout << myJson(myStream) << std::endl;
//or, directly: std::cout << myJson.prettyJson(2)(myStream) << std::endl;
//-> {
//->   "array": [
//->     -10,
//->     -11,
//->     -12,
//->     -13
//->   ],
//->   "bool": true,
//->   "char": 'a',
//->   "double": -3.14159,
//->   "empty": "",
//->   "int": 15,
//->   "objectArray": [
//->     {
//->       "o1": false
//->     },
//->     {
//->       "o2": true
//->     },
//->     {
//->       "o3": false
//->     }
//->   ],
//->   "string": "abcdef",
//->   "void": null
//-> }

								// in/from FILE:
std::ofstream	outBinFile("/tmp/serialize.bin", std::ifstream::trunc|std::ifstream::binary);
std::ifstream	inBinFile ("/tmp/serialize.bin", std::ofstream::binary);

std::ofstream	outTxtFile("/tmp/serialize.json", std::ifstream::trunc);
std::ifstream	inTxtFile ("/tmp/serialize.json", std::ofstream::in);

myJson.serialize( outBinFile );
myJson.serializeJson( outTxtFile );
outBinFile.flush(); outTxtFile.flush();

std::cout << untyped()( inBinFile )["string"] << std::endl;
//-> abcdef					// <-- Only what is needed...

std::cout << inBinFile.tellg() << " octets deserialized from file." << std::endl;
//-> 305 octets deserialized from file.

std::cout << untyped().json()( inTxtFile )["double"] << std::endl << std::endl;
//-> -3.14159				// <-- Extract only what is necessary...

std::cout << inTxtFile.tellg() << " octets deserialized from file." << std::endl << std::endl;
//-> 172 octets deserialized from file.

				// ****** Comments ******
myStream << "{/* This is a comment */ \"name\":\"Beno\u00EEt\"  /* This is an other comment */  }";
std::cout << untyped().json()( myStream ) << std::endl << std::endl;
//-> {"name":"Benoît"}
