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Phil Gengler edited this page Jan 31, 2014 · 4 revisions
Key Function
Ctrl-A Move to start of line
Ctrl-B Move left one character
Ctrl-C Show current line/position in status bar (see also Meta-C)
Ctrl-D Delete next character
Ctrl-E Move to end of line
Ctrl-F Move right one character
Ctrl-G Show help
Ctrl-H Backspace (delete preceding character)
Ctrl-I Indent (same as hitting 'Tab')
Ctrl-J Justify current line (if enabled)
Ctrl-K Cut current line (see Ctrl-U)
Ctrl-L Force repaint of screen
Ctrl-M Insert newline (same as 'Enter'/'Return')
Ctrl-N Move down one line
Ctrl-O Write file
Ctrl-P Move up one line
Ctrl-Q Noop (suppresses default XON)
Ctrl-R Insert/open file
Ctrl-S Noop (suppresses default XOFF)
Ctrl-T Run spell checker (if enabled)
Ctrl-U Paste cut line (see Ctrl-K)
Ctrl-V Page down
Ctrl-W Search
Ctrl-X Exit
Ctrl-Y Page up
Ctrl-Z Suspend (if enabled)
Ctrl-space Move to start of next word
Ctrl-_ Show "Go to line"
Ctrl-^ Start/end mark
Ctrl-\ Search & replace
Meta-6 Copy current line (see Ctrl-U/Ctrl-K)
Meta-A Start/end mark
Meta-B Toggle use of backup files
Meta-C Toggle constantly-updating line/position display (see also Ctrl-C)
Meta-D Show word/line count
Meta-E Redo (when available)
Meta-F Enable/disable use of multiple buffers
Meta-G Show "Go to line"
Meta-H Toggle "smart home" feature
Meta-I Toggle autoindent
Meta-J Justify all lines (if enabled)
Meta-K Toggle copy/cut behavior between full and partial lines)
Meta-L Toggle wrapping of long lines
Meta-M Toggle mouse support
Meta-N Enable/disable conversion of DOS/Mac-style newlines to UNIX
Meta-O Toggle whether the first line under the header is used for display
Meta-P Toggle whitespace display
Meta-Q Toggle conversion of Tab characters to spaces
Meta-R Search and replace
Meta-S Toggle smooth scrolling
Meta-T Cut from current cursor to end of buffer
Meta-U Undo (when available)
Meta-V Insert next character verbatim (useful for inserting control characters)
Meta-W Go to next match from last search
Meta-X Show/hide help at bottom of window
Meta-Y Toggle syntax coloring
Meta-Z Toggle whether Ctrl-Z can suspend the program
Meta-space Move to start of previous word
Meta-` Execute a command, discarding output
Meta-$ Toggle soft line wrapping
Meta-^ Copy current line (see Ctrl-U/Ctrl-K)
Meta-- Scroll window one line up (don't move cursor)
Meta-_ Scroll window one line up (don't move cursor)
Meta-+ Scroll window one line down (don't move cursor)
Meta-= Scroll window one line down (don't move cursor)
Meta-} Indent current line
Meta-{ Unindent current line
Meta-\ Go to first line of buffer
Meta-| Go to first line of buffer
Meta-/ Go to last line of buffer
Meta-? Go to last line of buffer
Meta-] If cursor is on a bracket character, find its matching open/close counterpart
Meta-< Switch to preceding buffer
Meta-, Switch to preceding buffer
Meta-> Switch to next buffer
Meta-. Switch to next buffer
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