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Add option for cache management
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Add a configuration setting to change the storage mode for large cache
tables (mainly used for code navigation). Available modes:

- `memory` (default, original): use ETS tables
- `compressed memory`: use ETS tables with `compressed` flag turned on.
- `file`: use DETS tables saved into temporary files.

Why is this configuration option needed?

In shared environment, where many instances of `vscode_erlang` run in
the same time on large code bases, noticeable amount of memory can be
consumed by this extension that eventually can exhaust all the memory.

Notes for `compressed memory`:

Some simple tests, done in the above explained scenario, showed memory
consumption dropped by 50% when `compressed memory` is configured.

Notes for `file`:

As multiple extension instances can run in the same time on the same
host, even in the same workspace, we cannot use static filenames, nor
workspace specific filenames to create DETS tables. The only option is
to use unique filenames, like temporary files. Of course, it has a
drawback, temporary files must be deleted on exit otherwise those will
consume a lot of disk space after a while. If the extension is shut down
normally, it's not a problem, the extension deletes it's own cache.

However, if some extension is terminated brutally, the cache files left
on the disk. Hence, an automatic mechanism is hooked to the points when
configuration is received from Visual Studio Code, and to normal
shutdown, to look for cache directories created by yet not running
extension, and delete them.

Reusing old cache files is theoretically possible if only one extension
instance run in a workspace, VSCode is closed and reopened, then the
new extension instance could continue where the previous one stopped.
But, as multiple extension instances can run in the same workspace, it
can easily go wrong. Therefore it is simpler to use instance specific
DETS files, just like instance specific ETS tables.
  • Loading branch information
Kornel Horvath committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 787d006 commit e9b1d6c
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Showing 11 changed files with 249 additions and 28 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ Support for Erlang tools, including rebar3, EUnit and Dialyzer
- `erlang.includePaths` - Include paths are read from rebar.config, and also standard set of paths is used. This setting is for special cases when the default behaviour is not enough
- `erlang.linting` - Enable/disable dynamic validation of opened Erlang source files
- `erlang.codeLensEnabled` - Enable/Disable CodeLens
- `erlang.cacheManagement` - Specify where and how to store large cache tables
- `erlang.inlayHintsEnabled` - Enable/Disable InlayHints
- `erlang.verbose` - Activate technical traces for use in the extension development

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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion apps/erlangbridge/src/gen_lsp_config_server.erl
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%% API
-export([standard_modules/0, bifs/0]).
-export([update_config/2, root/0, tmpdir/0, codeLensEnabled/0, includePaths/0, linting/0,
-export([update_config/2, root/0, tmpdir/0, username/0, codeLensEnabled/0, includePaths/0, linting/0,
verbose/0, autosave/0, proxy/0, search_files_exclude/0, search_exclude/0,
formatting_line_length/0, inlayHintsEnabled/0, verbose_is_include/1]).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ proxy() ->
tmpdir() ->
get_config_entry(computed, tmpdir, "").

username() ->
get_config_entry(computed, username, "").

%% @doc Exclude filters for search in workspace.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ init(_Args) ->
BIFs = sets:to_list(lists:foldl(fun ({Name, _Arity}, Acc) ->
sets:add_element(atom_to_list(Name), Acc)
end, sets:new(), erlang:module_info(exports))),
process_flag(trap_exit, true), % to terminate/2 be called at exit
{ok, #state{config = #{}, standard_modules = StandardModules, bifs = BIFs}}.

handle_call({standard_modules}, _From, State) ->
Expand All @@ -144,6 +148,10 @@ handle_cast(stop, State) ->
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.

terminate(_Reason, #state{config = #{computed := #{tmpdir := TmpDir, username := UserName}}}) ->
%% Delete old caches left there by brutally killed extension instances
gen_lsp_doc_server:delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, UserName),
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->

Expand Down
217 changes: 192 additions & 25 deletions apps/erlangbridge/src/gen_lsp_doc_server.erl
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Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,17 @@
-export([get_syntax_tree/1, get_dodged_syntax_tree/1, get_references/1, get_inlayhints/1]).
-export([root_available/0, config_change/0, project_modules/0, get_module_file/1, get_module_files/1, get_build_dir/0, find_source_file/1]).

%% Cache management

%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1,handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).


-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(XETS, (persistent_term:get(large_cache_module, ets))).
-define(IIF(Cond, Then, Else), if Cond -> Then; true -> Else end).

Expand All @@ -24,19 +29,27 @@

document_opened(File, Contents) ->
ets:insert(document_contents, {File, Contents}).
?XETS:insert(document_contents, {File, Contents}).

document_changed(File, Contents) ->
ets:insert(document_contents, {File, Contents}).
?XETS:insert(document_contents, {File, Contents}).

document_closed(File) ->
ets:delete(document_contents, File).
?XETS:delete(document_contents, File).

opened_documents() ->
[File || {File, _Contents} <- ets:tab2list(document_contents)].

do_opened_documents(ets) ->
[File || {File, _Contents} <- ets:tab2list(document_contents)];
do_opened_documents(dets) ->
fun({File, _Contents}) -> {continue, File};
(_) -> continue

get_document_contents(File) ->
case ets:lookup(document_contents, File) of
case ?XETS:lookup(document_contents, File) of
[{File, Contents}] -> Contents;
_ -> undefined
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,10 +100,10 @@ get_references(Reference) ->
ets:match(references, {'$1', Reference, '$2', '$3', '$4'}).

get_inlayhints(File) ->
case ets:lookup(document_inlayhints, File) of
case ?XETS:lookup(document_inlayhints, File) of
[{File, Inlays}] -> Inlays;
_ -> []

root_available() ->
gen_server:cast(?SERVER, root_available).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,14 +151,16 @@ as_string(Text) ->

start_link() ->
safe_new_table(document_contents, set),
safe_new_table(syntax_tree, set),
safe_new_table(dodged_syntax_tree, set),
safe_new_table(references, bag),
safe_new_table(document_inlayhints, set),
ExtraCreateOpts = persistent_term:get(large_cache_create_opts, []),
safe_new_table(document_contents, ?XETS, set, ExtraCreateOpts),
safe_new_table(syntax_tree, ?XETS, set, ExtraCreateOpts),
safe_new_table(dodged_syntax_tree, ?XETS, set, ExtraCreateOpts),
safe_new_table(references, ets, bag, []),
safe_new_table(document_inlayhints, ?XETS, set, ExtraCreateOpts),
gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [],[]).

init(_Args) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true), % to terminate/2 be called at exit
{ok, #state{root_available = false, project_modules = #{}, files_to_parse = []}}.

handle_call(project_modules, _From, State) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,7 +196,7 @@ handle_cast({project_file_added, File}, State) ->
{noreply, parse_next_file_in_background(UpdatedState)};

handle_cast({project_file_changed, File}, State) ->
case ets:lookup(document_contents, File) of
case ?XETS:lookup(document_contents, File) of
[_FileContents] ->
{noreply, State};
_ ->
Expand All @@ -202,6 +217,10 @@ handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.

terminate(_Reason, _State) ->

code_change(_OldVersion, State, _Extra) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,11 +418,11 @@ scan_project_files(State = #state{project_modules = OldProjectModules}) ->
delete_project_files([], State) ->
delete_project_files([File | Files], State) ->
ets:delete(document_contents, File),
ets:delete(syntax_tree, File),
ets:delete(dodged_syntax_tree, File),
?XETS:delete(document_contents, File),
?XETS:delete(syntax_tree, File),
?XETS:delete(dodged_syntax_tree, File),
ets:delete(references, File),
ets:delete(document_inlayhints, File),
?XETS:delete(document_inlayhints, File),
Module = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File)),
UpdatedFiles = lists:delete(File, maps:get(Module, State#state.project_modules, [])),
UpdatedProjectModules = case UpdatedFiles of
Expand All @@ -413,10 +432,48 @@ delete_project_files([File | Files], State) ->
NewState = State#state{project_modules = UpdatedProjectModules},
delete_project_files(Files, NewState).

safe_new_table(Name, Type) ->
%% @private
%% @doc Create a new ETS or DETS table owned by the supervisor.
%% This function is called by {@link start_link/0} that is called from the
%% supervisor process, therefore created ETS and DETS tables are owned by the
%% supervisor instead of the worker `gen_server' process. And so, if the worker
%% process is crashed and restarted then data is still available in the original
%% table.
%% @end
safe_new_table(Name, ets, Type, ExtraCreateOpts) ->
case ets:whereis(Name) of
undefined -> ets:new(Name, [Type, named_table, public]);
_ -> Name
undefined ->
ets:new(Name, [Type, named_table, public | ExtraCreateOpts]),
_ ->
%% Supervisor still holds the ETS table
safe_new_table(Name, dets, Type, ExtraCreateOpts) ->
case dets:info(Name, filename) of
undefined ->
CacheDir = persistent_term:get(large_cache_dets_dir),
FileName = filename:join(CacheDir, atom_to_list(Name)++".dets"),
OpenOpts = [{type, Type}, {file, FileName} | ExtraCreateOpts],
dets:open_file(Name, OpenOpts),
% dets:delete_all_objects(Name),
_ ->
%% Supervisor still holds the DETS table open

delete_cache_file(Name) ->
case dets:info(Name, filename) of
FileName ->
_ ->

parse_and_store(File, ContentsFile) ->
Expand All @@ -425,21 +482,21 @@ parse_and_store(File, ContentsFile) ->
undefined ->
_ ->
ets:insert(syntax_tree, {File, SyntaxTree}),
?XETS:insert(syntax_tree, {File, SyntaxTree}),
ets:delete(references, File),
ets:delete(document_inlayhints, File),
?XETS:delete(document_inlayhints, File),
lsp_navigation:fold_references(fun (Reference, Line, Column, End, _) ->
ets:insert(references, {File, Reference, Line, Column, End})
end, undefined, File, SyntaxTree),
ets:insert(document_inlayhints, {File, lsp_navigation:full_inlayhints_info(File,SyntaxTree, DodgedSyntaxTree)})
?XETS:insert(document_inlayhints, {File, lsp_navigation:full_inlayhints_info(File,SyntaxTree, DodgedSyntaxTree)})
case DodgedSyntaxTree of
undefined -> ok;
_ -> ets:insert(dodged_syntax_tree, {File, DodgedSyntaxTree})
_ -> ?XETS:insert(dodged_syntax_tree, {File, DodgedSyntaxTree})

get_tree(TreeType, File) ->
case ets:lookup(TreeType, File) of
case ?XETS:lookup(TreeType, File) of
[{File, SyntaxTree}] ->
_ ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,3 +530,113 @@ find_module_files(Module, State) ->
-spec find_module_files_under_dir(module(), file:filename()) -> [file:filename()].
find_module_files_under_dir(Module, Dir) ->
filelib:wildcard(Dir ++ "/**/" ++ atom_to_list(Module) ++ ".erl").

%%% Cache management

persist_cache_mgmt_opts() ->

do_persist_cache_mgmt_opts({ok, [["memory"]]}) ->
persistent_term:put(large_cache_module, ets),
persistent_term:put(large_cache_create_opts, []);
do_persist_cache_mgmt_opts({ok, [["memory", "compressed"]]}) ->
persistent_term:put(large_cache_module, ets),
persistent_term:put(large_cache_create_opts, [compressed]);
do_persist_cache_mgmt_opts({ok, [["file", UserName, TmpDir]]}) ->
persistent_term:put(large_cache_module, dets),
persistent_term:put(large_cache_create_opts, []),
persistent_term:put(large_cache_dets_dir, cache_dir(TmpDir, UserName, os:getpid()));
do_persist_cache_mgmt_opts(_) ->
do_persist_cache_mgmt_opts({ok, [["memory"]]}).

cache_dir(TmpDir, UserName, OsPid) ->
filename:join(cache_basedir(TmpDir, UserName), OsPid).

cache_basedir(TmpDir, UserName) ->
filename:join([TmpDir, "vscode_erlang_"++UserName, "cache"]).

%% @doc Delete all cache directories that are not in use any more.
%% It practically means, delete caches of those extension instances that were
%% terminated without executing proper cleanup (e.g. killed by OS).
%% @end
-spec delete_unused_caches(TmpDir :: string(), UserName :: string()) -> ok.
delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, UserName) when is_binary(TmpDir) ->
delete_unused_caches(binary_to_list(TmpDir), UserName);
delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, UserName) when is_binary(UserName) ->
delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, binary_to_list(UserName));
delete_unused_caches(TmpDir = [_|_], UserName = [_|_]) ->
CacheOsPids = get_cache_os_pids(TmpDir, UserName),
%% NOTE: a non-Erlang process may exists with the same PID as an old
%% extension instance.
DeadCacheOsPids = filter_non_existent_os_pids(CacheOsPids),
do_delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, UserName, DeadCacheOsPids)
catch Class:Reason:StackTrace ->
error_logger:error_report([{Class, Reason}, {stacktrace, StackTrace}])
delete_unused_caches(_TmpDir, _UserName) ->

do_delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, UserName, OsPidsToRemove) ->
fun(OsPid) ->
file:del_dir_r(cache_dir(TmpDir, UserName, OsPid))

%% Return OS PIDs of Erlang VMs, executing extension instances by the current
%% user, that did create cache directories, regardless if the processes are
%% alive or not.
-spec get_cache_os_pids(TmpDir :: string(), UserName :: string())
-> OsPids :: [string()].
get_cache_os_pids(TmpDir, UserName) ->
CacheBaseDir = cache_basedir(TmpDir, UserName),
case file:list_dir(CacheBaseDir) of
{ok, Filenames} ->
fun(FN) -> filelib:is_dir(filename:join(CacheBaseDir, FN)) end,
_ ->

%% Return OS PIDs that do not belong to any live OS process.
-spec filter_non_existent_os_pids(OsPids) -> OsPids
when OsPids :: [string()].
filter_non_existent_os_pids([]) ->
filter_non_existent_os_pids(OsPids) ->
case os:type() of
{win32,_} -> filter_non_existent_win32_pids(OsPids);
{unix, _} -> filter_non_existent_unix_pids(OsPids)

filter_non_existent_unix_pids(OsPids) ->
fun(OsPid) -> not filelib:is_dir("/proc/" ++ OsPid) end,

filter_non_existent_win32_pids(OsPids) ->
%% In Windows there is no similar thing like /proc/<PID> filesystem entries
%% in Unix systems, but it's still possible to list all running processes.
WindowsPids = get_win32_pids(),
fun(OsPid) -> not maps:is_key(OsPid, WindowsPids) end,

%% Return the PIDs of alive Windows process.
-spec get_win32_pids() -> #{OsPid :: string() => 1}.
get_win32_pids() ->
fun(Line, Acc) ->
case string:split(Line, "\",\"", all) of
[_, OsPid | _] -> Acc#{OsPid => 1};
_ -> Acc
string:lexemes(os:cmd("tasklist /FO CSV /NH"), ["\r\n", $\r, $\n])).
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions apps/erlangbridge/src/lsp_handlers.erl
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Expand Up @@ -87,6 +87,14 @@ configuration(Socket, [ErlangSection, FilesSection, ComputedSection, HttpSection
[ErlangSection, FilesSection, ComputedSection,
HttpSection, SearchSection]),

%% Delete old caches left there by brutally killed extension instances
case ComputedSection of
#{tmpdir := TmpDir, username := UserName} ->
gen_lsp_doc_server:delete_unused_caches(TmpDir, UserName);
_ ->

%% Scan workspace for source files

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions apps/erlangbridge/src/vscode_lsp_app.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ start(_Type, _Args) ->
%uncomment to monitor erlang processes
%spawn(fun() -> observer:start() end),
Port = get_port(),
case vscode_lsp_app_sup:start_link(Port) of
{ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid};
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/ErlangConfigurationProvider.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ export function configurationChanged(): void {
erlangDistributedNode: erlangConf.get("erlangDistributedNode", false),
rebarPath: resolveVariables(erlangConf.get<string>("rebarPath", null)),
codeLensEnabled: erlangConf.get<boolean>('codeLensEnabled', false),
cacheManagement: erlangConf.get("cacheManagement", "memory"),
inlayHintsEnabled: erlangConf.get<boolean>('inlayHintsEnabled', false),
debuggerRunMode: erlangConf.get<string>("debuggerRunMode", "Server"),
includePaths: erlangConf.get("includePaths", []),
Expand Down

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