Metapackage to DDD building blocks
composer require phpgears/ddd
Require composer autoload file
require './vendor/autoload.php';
Building blocks of DDD provided by this library
phpgears/identity | Identity |
phpgears/value-object | Value Object |
phpgears/aggregate | Aggregate Root, Entity |
phpgears/event | Domain Event, Event Bus |
Packages that provide supporting functionality
phpgears/immutability | PHP object immutability |
phpgears/dto | Data Transfer Object |
Concepts and packages, related and complementing DDD, you might be interested in but are NOT included
phpgears/enum | Enumerables |
phpgears/cqrs | Command/Query Responsibility Segregation |
phpgears/event-sourcing | Event Sourcing |
See file LICENSE included with the source code for a copy of the license terms.