Easily manage community and commercial support with Support Central!
Support Central is an aggregator for various support channels. It displays in a central interface which support tickets need replying on. This allows the Phusion Passenger support team to easily handle both community and commercial support in a central interface.
The following support channels are currently supported:
- Github issue tracker
- Supportbee
- FrontApp
- RSS feed (or Stack Overflow search query)
Support Central tracks Github issues as follows. For every repository for which the webhook is installed, the following happens:
- If a new issue is opened by a non-company member, the issue gets the 'SupportCentral' label.
- If a new issue comment is posted by a non-company member, the issue gets the 'SupportCentral' label.
- This label is removed if a company member posts a comment in that issue.
Support Central displays all issues with the 'SupportCentral' label.
Please refer to the contribution guide.
Please refer to the general deployment guide.
(If you are a Phusion employee, read the Phusion employee deployment guide.)