A Space plugin to watch issues in your own way.
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This plugin exists because sometime the expected time for an issue to be resolved and mine is different, so when it does not meet my expectation, I will be notified, and then I can send the assignee insert plugin_title
- Copy the issue's link and watch it for
watch register $issue_link $x
- Check current watching issues
watch check
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE.md
for more information.
Hi some_random_colleague
, if you see this, close your laptop, give me a call and whisper the organisation's name to my ear, I will get you a coffee.
But if you are a member of my team, now you know how I keep track of the performance of each of you, happy? Now, GET BACK TO WORK!
Thanks for the great idea, Esther. I need to make a new one, because my team is using Space, but still, hope this line would put a smile on your face if you'd ever find this.