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PISI (Packages Installed Succesfully as Intended) is a package manager. In Turkish PISI means "kitty", and like a kitty, it is featureful and small.

Some of its distinctive features:

  • Implemented in Python.
  • Efficient and small.
  • Package sources are written in XML and Python.
  • Uses LZMA for a better compression ratio.
  • Fast database access implemented with Berkeley DB.
  • Integrates low-level and high-level package operations (dependency resolution).
  • Framework approach to build applications and tools upon.
  • Comprehensive CLI and a user-friendly QT GUI (distributed separately).
  • Extremely simple package construction.

Build Dependencies

Python 3.6+, Gettext, Intltool, COMAR

Runtime Dependencies

Python 3.6+, File, Gettext, COMAR, Piksemel, Mudur


sudo -H python install


usage: pisi [options] <command> [arguments]

where <command> is one of:

           add-repo (ar) - Add a repository
              blame (bl) - Information about the package owner and release
              build (bi) - Build PiSi packages
                   check - Verify installation
                   clean - Clean stale locks
  configure-pending (cp) - Configure pending packages
       delete-cache (dc) - Delete cache files
              delta (dt) - Creates delta packages
       disable-repo (dr) - Disable repository
             emerge (em) - Build and install PiSi source packages from repository
         emergeup (emup) - Build and install PiSi source packages from repository
        enable-repo (er) - Enable repository
              fetch (fc) - Fetch a package
                   graph - Graph package relations
                help (?) - Prints help for given commands
            history (hs) - History of pisi operations
              index (ix) - Index PiSi files in a given directory
                    info - Display package information
            install (it) - Install PiSi packages
     list-available (la) - List available packages in the repositories
    list-components (lc) - List available components
     list-installed (li) - Print the list of all installed packages
        list-newest (ln) - List newest packages in the repositories
      list-orphaned (lo) - List orphaned packages
       list-pending (lp) - List pending packages
          list-repo (lr) - List repositories
       list-sources (ls) - List available sources
      list-upgrades (lu) - List packages to be upgraded
        rebuild-db (rdb) - Rebuild Databases
             remove (rm) - Remove PiSi packages
    remove-orphaned (ro) - Remove orphaned packages
        remove-repo (rr) - Remove repositories
             search (sr) - Search packages
        search-file (sf) - Search for a file
        update-repo (ur) - Update repository databases
            upgrade (up) - Upgrade PiSi packages

Use "pisi help <command>" for help on a specific command.

 --version                    : show program's version number and exit
 -h [--help]                  : show this help message and exit

 general options:
  -D [--destdir] arg          : Change the system root for PiSi commands
  -y [--yes-all]              : Assume yes in all yes/no queries
  -u [--username] arg         
  -p [--password] arg         
  -L [--bandwidth-limit] arg  : Keep bandwidth usage under specified KB's
  -v [--verbose]              : Detailed output
  -d [--debug]                : Show debugging information
  -N [--no-color]             : Suppresses all coloring of PiSi's output


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Pisi Package Management System







No packages published
