9673290 : ➕ add Gradle Wrapper (Ryan Dens) #9
a9d06e2 : 🙈 add gradle files to gitignore (Ryan Dens) #9
be6b1e5 : ✨ add gradle build and test (Ryan Dens) #9
b0e7abf : ✨ setup releasing targeting java 11 (Ryan Dens) #9
df315f8 : ✨ create java 11 source set (Ryan Dens) #9
861c50e : ✨ use multi-release jar with (Ryan Dens) #9
9306177 : ✅ test across JREs (Ryan Dens) #9
7d9cafd : 👷 setup CI for Gradle (Ryan Dens) #9
9434b2a : 🙈 fix gitignore for gradle wrapper (Ryan Dens) #9
9219511 : 🐛 fix java home (Ryan Dens) #9
eec031c : 🔊 publish build scan (Ryan Dens) #9
5179677 : 🔥 delete pom (Ryan Dens) #9
1564392 : 🐛 disable java11jar task (Ryan Dens) #9
95d73dd : 🚀 release with Gradle (Ryan Dens) #9
9d888d6 : 🚀 target maven central (Ryan Dens) #9
1edfe0f : 🚀 configure GPG signing for Gradle (Ryan Dens) #9
120aadb : ✅ add jacoco test report (Ryan Dens) #9
40e418b : ✨ generate jacoco badge (Ryan Dens) #9
9a13534 : 🔊 log percentage and upload coverage report (Ryan Dens) #9
e4937fc : Autogenerated JaCoCo coverage badge (Jacoco Coverage Update Action) #9
282e222 : ♻️ inline coverity escapers (Ryan Dens) #9
8df7370 : Autogenerated JaCoCo coverage badge (Jacoco Coverage Update Action) #9
eea801d : ✅ define test suite for java 11 sources (Ryan Dens) #9
76802c2 : 🐛 use vulnerable version of fileupload and configure DiskFileItem serializaiton for tests (Ryan Dens) #9
c6c2213 : ➕ add runtime dependency on project (Ryan Dens) #9
d05a944 : 🚧 add integration test suite (Ryan Dens) #9
65a27ea : ✅ add basic test app (Ryan Dens) #9
3998ad5 : ✅ add module test app (Ryan Dens) #9
9d2dbd8 : 🐛 correct main class definition (Ryan Dens) #9
70bb4b3 : 🔥 dont use applicaiton plugin for module project (Ryan Dens) #9
b6b212a : 🔥 dont use application plugin for hello world project (Ryan Dens) #9
acc0bc3 : ✅ test both containers (Ryan Dens) #9
9239894 : Update test-apps/hello-world-modules/src/main/java/io/github/pixee/testapp/ (Ryan Dens) #9
ee74adb : ♻️ Move createSafeObjectInputStream to java 8 compatible class (Ryan Dens) #9
2ff73fb : Autogenerated JaCoCo coverage badge (Jacoco Coverage Update Action) #9
020ca0e : 👌 reane SafeObjectInputStream to ObjectInputStreams (Ryan Dens) #9
af9a1a3 : Autogenerated JaCoCo coverage badge (Jacoco Coverage Update Action) #9
6412cb5 : ♻️ reanme APIs to be more clear and concise (Ryan Dens) #10
9324721 : 💡 improve javadoc to clarify apache commons dependency (Ryan Dens) #10
70bf611 : 🔖 bump version for new release (Ryan Dens) #11
You can’t perform that action at this time.