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Record to internal flash only when flying
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pjalocha committed May 12, 2022
1 parent 196589f commit 9167659
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 30 deletions.
56 changes: 26 additions & 30 deletions main/log.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ static const uint32_t FlashLog_MaxTime = 3600; // 1 hour max. per single log
static const uint32_t FlashLog_MaxSize = 0x10000; // 64KB max. per single log file
static const uint32_t FlashLog_SavePeriod = 30; // [sec] reopen the file every 30sec
static const uint32_t FlashLog_SaveSize = 4096; // [bytes] reopen the file every 4KB
static const uint32_t FlashLog_SaveSize = 4096; // [bytes] reopen the file every 4KB

bool FlashLog_SaveReq=0; // request to save the log right away, like after landing or before shutdown
uint32_t FlashLog_FileTime=0; // [sec] UTC time corresponding to the log file
char FlashLog_FileName[32]; // current log file name if open
static FILE *FlashLog_File=0; // current log file if open
bool FlashLog_SaveReq=0; // request to save the log right away, like after landing or before shutdown
uint32_t FlashLog_FileTime=0; // [sec] UTC time corresponding to the log file
char FlashLog_FileName[32]; // current log file name if open
static FILE * FlashLog_File=0; // current log file if open
static uint32_t FlashLog_FileFlush=0; // track where the log file has been forced to be written to flash

FIFO<OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet>, 32> FlashLog_FIFO;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ static int FlashLog_Open(uint32_t Time) // open a new
if(FlashLog_File==0) FlashLog_Clean(0, 4); // if the file cannot be open clean again
return FlashLog_File!=0; } // 1=success, 0=failure: new log file could not be open

static void FlashLog_Reopen(void)
{ if(FlashLog_File)
{ fclose(FlashLog_File);
FlashLog_File = fopen(FlashLog_FileName, "ab");
FlashLog_FileFlush = ftell(FlashLog_File); }
FlashLog_SaveReq=0; }
static void FlashLog_Reopen(void) // force close and re-open the current log file
{ if(FlashLog_File) // if log File is open
{ fclose(FlashLog_File); // close it
FlashLog_File = fopen(FlashLog_FileName, "ab"); // open it again for append with same filename
FlashLog_FileFlush = ftell(FlashLog_File); } // track how much has been pysically written
FlashLog_SaveReq=0; } // clear q possible request to save the file

static int FlashLog_Record(OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet> *Packet, int Packets, uint32_t Time) // log a batch of OGN packets
{ if(FlashLog_File) // if log file already open
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,27 +381,23 @@ void vTaskLOG(void* pvParameters)

TickType_t PrevTick = 0;
TickType_t PrevTick = 0; // [ms] Time when packets stored the last time
for( ; ; )
{ // vTaskDelay(200); // wait idle 0.2sec
if(FlashLog_SaveReq) FlashLog_Reopen(); // if requested then save the current log (close + reopen)
TickType_t Tick=xTaskGetTickCount(); // system tick count now
{ vTaskDelay(1);
bool Flying = Flight.inFlight(); // if the aircraft flying ?
size_t Packets = FlashLog_FIFO.Full(); // how many packets in the queue ?
// #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
// xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "TaskLOG() ");
// Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, Tick, 4, 3);
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "(");
// Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, PrevTick, 4, 3);
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, ")s: ");
// Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, Packets);
// Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " packets\n");
// xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex);
// #endif
if(Packets==0) { PrevTick=Tick; vTaskDelay(100); continue; } // if none: then give up
if(Packets>=8) { Copy(); PrevTick=Tick; continue; } // if 8 or more packets then copy them to the log file
TickType_t Diff = Tick-PrevTick; // time since last log action
if(Diff>=8000) { Copy(); PrevTick=Tick; continue; } // if more than 8.0sec than copy the packets
if(Flying) // when flying
{ if(FlashLog_SaveReq) FlashLog_Reopen(); // if requested then save the current log (close + reopen)
TickType_t Tick=xTaskGetTickCount(); // system tick count now
if(Packets==0) { PrevTick=Tick; vTaskDelay(100); continue; } // if none: then give up
if(Packets>=8) { Copy(); PrevTick=Tick; continue; } // if 8 or more packets then copy them to the log file
TickType_t Diff = Tick-PrevTick; // time since last log action
if(Diff>=8000) { Copy(); PrevTick=Tick; continue; } // if more than 8.0sec than copy the packets
} else // when not flying
{ if(FlashLog_File) { fclose(FlashLog_File); FlashLog_File=0; } // if file open then close it
while(FlashLog_FIFO.Full()>=FlashLog_FIFO.Len/2) // flush the packet queue but keep it half-full
{ FlashLog_FIFO.Read(); vTaskDelay(1); }
vTaskDelay(100); }


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