This project aims to be a collaborative effort to collect memristor models published in the literature adapted to Cadence Spectre Simulator. The contribution of your models are welcome and there is a reference to each model presented.
if you are interested in using one of these models in your work, remember to use their respective references to cite them.
├── micromagnetic simulation # free layer model of spintronic memristors (IMTJ)
├── spice # SPICE models of Memristors
│ ├── biolek # Biolek Model - In Progress... (not ready for usage)
│ ├── c-spin IMTJ # UMN IMTJ model refactored to Spectre Synthax
│ ├── c-spin PMTJ # UMN PMTJ model with few changes in Resistor module
│ ├── current-threshold # Current-threshold Memristor (based on Pershin and Di Ventra - UFRGS)
│ └── verilog PMTJ # A verilog model of PMTJ (ARM)
└── ...