HGI (Hierarchical Grid Interpolation) is a next generation image compression algorithm, the basic idea of the hierarchical grid interpolation method is to hierarchically decimating the two-dimensional grid of image counts, restoring missing counts via interpolation and statistical coding for interpolation residues.
Source image | HGI compressed (low) |
156kb | 25kb |
* Fixed maximum error of compressed image
* Several types of image interpolation
* Several types of statical coding
$ git clone https://github.com/pl0q1n/RustyHGI.git
$ cd RustyHGI
$ cargo build
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
decode Decode mode of HGI
encode Encode mode of HGI
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
test Test mode for testing both encode and decode
hgi encode [OPTIONS] --input <input> --output <output>
-i, --input <input> Filepath to the source image
-l, --level <level> [default: 4]
-o, --output <output> Output name of compressed image
-q, --quantizator <quantization_level> [default: medium] [possible values: Loseless, Low, Medium, High]
hgi decode --input <input> --output <output>
-i, --input <input> Filepath to the HGI compressed image
-o, --output <output> Output name of decoded image
hgi test [OPTIONS] <input>
-l, --level <level> Number of levels for hierarchical grid [default: 4]
-q, --quantizator <quantization_level> Compression level [default: medium] [possible values: Loseless, Low, Medium, High]
-s, --suffix <suffix> Suffix for filename [default: ]
Gashnikov, M.V., Glumov, N.I., Sergeev, V.V. A hierarchical compression method for space images. (Automation and Remote Control, V. 71, No.3, pp. 501-513, 2010)