A chord based distributed hash table (DHT) using Go & gRPC
$ protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. ./client_proto/client.proto
$ go build ./client
$ protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. ./node_proto/node.proto
$ go build ./server
General options:
-help Show help
-host [ ip:port ] Create host
-taget [ ip:port ] Create host and connect it to existing one
$ ./server -host
I wrote this client just to give a simple example of how the server could be used. You can easily write your own client, just follow client protocol (node_proto/node.proto)
General options:
-help Show help
-host [ ip:port ] Target host
-action [ args ] Action selection
-key [ integer ] Key for your value (key-value model)
-value [ integer ] Value for your key
Args for action:
p Put request
d Delete request
g Get request
$ ./client -host localhost:8080 -action p -key 1700 -value 1337