Bdziam.UI is a Blazor-based UI framework that adheres to Material Design 3 (M3) guidelines. It provides a growing library of components designed for intuitive, accessible, and visually consistent user interfaces.
This framework is under active development. Component APIs are subject to significant changes, and updates may break existing implementations. Use this library for experimentation and development purposes only.
- Blazor components built for Material Design 3.
- Modular architecture for flexible UI development.
- Supports Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.
- Fully customizable components with C# code-behind files.
Bdziam.UI is now available in NuGet!
dotnet add package Bdziam.UI
Include the project in your Blazor solution, and add the necessary CSS and script files for Material Design 3 to your src/Bdziam.UI/wwwroot/
This project is in its early stages. Breaking changes in the API may occur frequently. Use it at your own risk for non-production environments. Contributions are welcome!
See the LICENSE file for details.
CRAFTED WITH ❤️ At Cybernomad