Accepting payments via YooMoney wallet
- Payment link generation
- Checking the hash sent to Webhook
Copy the yoomoney.php file to the directory with your project
git clone
cd yoomoney-payments
mv yoomoney.php /var/www/html
Enable HTTP notifications from YooMoney and generate a secret word for Webhook
$yoomoney = new YooMoneyPayments(
"wallet" => 4100000000000000, # Your YooMoney wallet number
"secret" => "your-secret-word" # Secret word received when enabling HTTP notifications
$answer = $yoomoney->createLink([
"sum" => 100, # Required: The amount of payment in rubles.
"label" => 123456, # Optional: Payment ID or any other value you have for recognizing a specific payment on your site
"successURL" => "" # Optional: The site to which the client is redirected if the payment is successful.
if($answer["code"] == 200){
echo $answer["data"] #
echo json_encode($answer); # {"code": 400, "data": "Wow, is this a mistake?"}
It should receive notifications from YooMoney about successful payments.
$yoomoney = new YooMoneyPayments(
"wallet" => 4100000000000000, # Your YooMoney wallet number
"secret" => "your-secret-word" # Secret word received when enabling HTTP notifications
$answer = $yoomoney->webhookCheck($_POST);
if($answer["code"] == 200){
echo "Successfully paid payment with label <".$POST["label"].">!"; # {"code": 200, "data": "Successfully paid payment with label <123456>!"}
Here you can process a successful payment. For example, mark the purchase as paid.
YooMoney sends a lot of data in addition to the label. Explore the documentation:
echo json_encode($answer); # {"code": 400, "data": "Wow, is this a mistake?"}