This theme is a dark, flat theme with one of the following highlight-colors:
- very light gray (#f8f8f2) - default
- magenta (#f92672)
- cyan (#66d9ef)
- yellow (#ffe792)
- blue (#2681ff)
- red (#ff3232)
- green (#a6e22e)
- orange (#fd971f)
- lilac (#ae81ff)
There is a CSS-file for adminer and a theme for Sublime Text 2.
Just put the Darkai.sublime-theme and the contents of the sublime-text-2 directory into your packages-folder (so you end up with "/Packages/Theme - Darkai/darkai.sublime-theme" and "/Packages/Theme - Darkai/Darkai/"). After that, add the following line to your user-specific configuration:
"theme": "Darkai.sublime-theme"
Depending on which color you would like to use, add the corresponding line to your user-specific configuration:
"theme_color_blue": true
"theme_color_cyan": true
"theme_color_green": true
"theme_color_lilac": true
"theme_color_magenta": true
"theme_color_orange": true
"theme_color_red": true
"theme_color_yellow": true
The default highlight color is an almost-white light gray.
This theme is inspired by Spacegray and Brogrammer