Infrastructure updates
- CI via Travis
- Test coverage reporting via jacoco maven plugin
- Maven plugin and dependency version updates reported via versions-maven-plugin
- Separation of test suite classes into unit tests and integration tests, the former executed via maven surefure plugin, while the later are executed via maven failsafe plugin
- Added git-commit-id-plugin to generate git.properties file for inclusion into each jar artifact
- Introduced test-utils module which supports launching test containers for integration tests
Added support for Geography database type
- JDBC ResultSet.getObject(...) now returns PGgeography instances for geography database types (but continue encapsulating Geometry java types)
Decoupled geometry and encoder/decoder from postgres-jdbc
- Introduced postgis-geometry module which now contain geometry classes, parser, and encoder/decoder
PostgreSQL JDBC updated to v42.2.11
Code cleanups, documentation improvements