Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This portfolio showcases my projects, skills, and experiences as a software engineer. Here, you can explore the different sections of my work, learn about my skills, and see examples of my projects.
- Home: Introduction and quick overview of who I am.
- About: Details about my background, experience, and what drives me.
- Skills: A comprehensive list of my technical skills and areas of expertise.
- Projects: Showcase of selected projects with descriptions and links to live versions and source code.
- Contact: Links to my social media profiles and contact information.
This portfolio website is built using the following technologies:
- Frontend: React on JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
- Backend: Node.js (Optional, if backend features are included in future updates)
- Deployment: Vercel
To get a local copy of this project up and running, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/pratham891/portfolio.git
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd portfolio
INstall Dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and go to
to view the application.
- About Section: Read more about my background and what I’m passionate about.
- Skills Section: Browse through the list of technologies and tools I’m proficient in.
- Projects Section: Explore my projects with descriptions, live links, and source code.
- Contact Section: Connect with me through social media and other channels.
Feel free to reach out to me through the following platforms:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.