To build a html version of it, you'll need to get deno.
pacman -Sy deno
After that, run the ./
script which uses the macana tool
to generate a static website out of the notes and places it
in the gitignored html/
directory. copy it wherever you need.
We plan on hosting this notes on github pages in the near future.
In the mean time, you may use a simple golang server:
package main
import (
type FileServer struct {
notesDir string
port string
func NewFileServer(dir, port string) FileServer {
return FileServer{dir, port}
func (f FileServer) Serve() {
fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir(f.notesDir))
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/notes/", http.StripPrefix("/notes", fs))
log.Println("Serving on http://localhost+"+f.port)
if err := http.ListenAndServe(f.port, mux); err != nil {
func main() {
server := NewFileServer("/your_path/html/", ":8080")