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David Rebatto edited this page Jun 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Log records are written in a daily file specified as <prefix>-YYYMMDD, where <prefix> is specified in blah.config:

The format of the record is:
"<field>=<value>" [<SP> "<field>=<value>" ...] <LF>
thus all values are assumed to have no double quotes inside.

The fields are:

  • timestamp: record creation date (~ lrms submission time)
  • userDN: user's certificate distinguished name
  • userFQAN: user's certificate Fully Qualified Attribute Names (i.e. VO and roles) - repeated, one per FQAN
  • ceID: Computing Element's ID as appearing in the Glue schema
  • jobID: the Grid job ID (i.e. the one returned to the user by the CE)
  • lrmsID: the ID of the job in the batch system
  • localUser: numeric uid of the local account mapped to the remote user
  • clientId: a job identifier (arbirtary string) provided by the CE at submission time

Accounting can be disabled in BLAH by commenting out the BLAHPD_ACCOUNTING_INFO_LOG line in blah.config.

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