This Plugin / Repo is being maintained by a community of developers. There is no warranty given or bug fixing guarantee; especially not by Programmfabrik GmbH. Please use the github issue tracking to report bugs and self organize bug fixing. Feel free to directly contact the committing developers.
Custom Mask Splitter to hide fields in Editor, depending on another fields value. Right now, the triggerfield must be a custom-data-type-dante or a boolean-field
This is a plugin for fylr with MaskSplitter EditorVisibilityController
For easydb5-instances use easydb-editor-field-visibility.
The latest version of this plugin can be found here.
The ZIP can be downloaded and installed using the plugin manager, or used directly (recommended).
Github has an overview page to get a list of all release.
This masksplitter can be configured:
- Name of the observed field, which triggers the visibility of fields
- JSON-Map about the fields to hide. See example below
- JSON-Path with which the JSON-Map starts
"capture_journey": {
"value": "",
"fields": ["journey.journey__mehrfach.field1", "journey.journey__mehrfach.journey__mehrfach__mehrfach2.bool"]
"forced_journey": {
"value": "",
"fields": ["journey.place_end_intended", "journey.capture", "journey.journey__mehrfach.journey__mehrfach__mehrfach2"]
"journey": {
"value": "",
"fields": ["journey.place_end_intended", "journey.capture", "journey.journey__mehrfach.journey__mehrfach__mehrfach2.bool", ""]
The source code of this plugin is managed in a git repository at Please use the issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests!