mysqldump --hex-blob dbname > dbname_mysql.sql
Use the included script. I've fixed it up with better support for foreign keys (it puts all the constraint creation at the bottom of the file) and FKs with multiple column references.
./ --sepfile constraints.sql --nodrop dbname_mysql.sql dbname_pg.sql
Make sure you have created the database first.
psql -f dbname_pg.sql
`psql -f constraints.sql
If you want to be notified of errors in your dump, do \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
Make sure your mysql tables are all utf8 first
Dumps do not work well with BLOB data. MySQL uses 0x1234, Pg uses E'\x1234'. Don't use BLOBs if you can avoid it in general.
If you have anything to add, please let me know