This is a Vala rewrite of the original example tool written in C from Xiph.Org's theora:
Changes are
- VAPI files for libtheora, libogg and libpng
- Replaced return code based error handling by exception handling
- Rewrote command line parsing from getopt to GLib OptionGroup
- Reorganized the code into several classes
- Replaced stdio file functions by gio classes
- Added some additional error handling
This work is licensed under the AGPLv3 license (see COPYING).
The original work it is based on was released under a BSD license (see COPYING-ORIGINAL).
png2theorav [OPTION...] INPUT - create theora movie from png files
The INPUT argument uses C printf format to represent a list of files, i.e. file-%%06d.png to look for files file000001.png to file9999999.png
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-o, --output=FILE file name for encoded output (required);
-v, --video-quality=INT Theora quality selector from 0 to 10 (0 yields smallest files but lowest video quality. 10 yields highest fidelity but large files)
-V, --video-rate-target=DOUBLE bitrate target for Theora video (kB)
--soft-target Use a large reservoir and treat the rate as a soft target; rate control is less strict but resulting quality is usually higher/smoother overall. Soft target also allows an optional -v setting to specify a minimum allowed quality.
--single-pass Single pass (default).
--two-pass Compress input using two-pass rate control. This option performs both passes automatically.
--first-pass=FILE Perform first-pass of a two-pass rate controlled encoding, saving pass data to FILE for a later second pass
--second-pass=FILE Perform second-pass of a two-pass rate controlled encoding, reading first-pass data from FILE. The first pass data must come from a first encoding pass using identical input video to work properly.
-k, --keyframe-freq=INT Keyframe frequency
-d, --buf-delay=INT Buffer delay (in frames). Longer delays allow smoother rate adaptation and provide better overall quality, but require more client side buffering and add latency. The default value is the keyframe interval for one-pass encoding (or somewhat larger if --soft-target is used) and infinite for two-pass encoding.
--chroma-444 Use 4:4:4 chroma subsampling
--chroma-422 Use 4:2:2 chroma subsampling
--chroma-420 Use 4:2:0 chroma subsampling (default)
-s, --aspect-numerator=INT Aspect ratio numerator, default is 0
-S, --aspect-denominator=INT Aspect ratio denominator, default is 0
-f, --framerate-numerator=INT Frame rate numerator, default is 24
-F, --framerate-denominator=INT Frame rate denominator, default is 1. The frame rate numerator divided by this determines the frame rate in units per tick
-c, --vp3-compatible