Tip: Refer to the Cosmos Proto Docs and Provenance Blockchain Proto Docs for client interface definitions.
In build.gradle
implementation 'io.provenance.client:pb-grpc-client-kotlin:${version}'
In build.gradle.kts
Setup the client by supplying:
- the chain ID (e.g.
, etc.) - the URI of the node to which you are connecting (the default port is
) - the gas estimation method
- for pbc version 1.8 or higher, use
- for pbc version 1.7 or lower, use
- for pbc version 1.8 or higher, use
// pbc version 1.8 or higher:
val pbClient = PbClient(
chainId = "chain-local",
channelUri = URI("http://localhost:9090"),
gasEstimationMethod = GasEstimationMethod.MSG_FEE_CALCULATION
// pbc version 1.7 or lower:
val pbClient = PbClient(
chainId = "chain-local",
channelUri = URI("http://localhost:9090"),
gasEstimationMethod = GasEstimationMethod.COSMOS_SIMULATION
// Optionally configure GRPC by also passing `ChannelOpts` or a `NettyChannelBuilder`:
val pbClient = PbClient(
chainId = "chain-local",
channelUri = URI("http://localhost:9090"),
gasEstimationMethod = GasEstimationMethod.MSG_FEE_CALCULATION,
opts = ChannelOpts(idleTimeout = (1L to TimeUnit.MINUTES))
Java and Kotlin Protobuf bindings (source) for the Provenance Blockchain are available on Maven Central. These modules provide the type definitions needed to interact with the blockchain in code.
Refer to the Cosmos Proto Docs and Provenance Blockchain Proto Docs for an in-depth look at the client interface definitions.
Beyond definitions, a number of useful extension methods are provided in the io.provenance.client.protobuf.extensions
that provide higher-level functionality for Kotlin types.
contains individual clients for each Cosmos and Provenance Blockchain SDK query service. Each module contains a query.proto
, which
defines the query interface.
pbClient.markerClient.access(QueryAccessRequest.newBuilder().setId("marker address or denom here").build())
See Marker module query interface.
val wallet: Signer = TODO()
val signers: List<BaseReqSigner> = listOf(BaseReqSigner(wallet))
val msgAddMarkerRequest: MsgAddMarkerRequest = MsgAddMarkerRequest
val txn = TxOuterClass.TxBody.newBuilder()
.addMessages(Any.pack(message = msgAddMarkerRequest, typeUrlPrefix = ""))
txBody = txn,
signers = signers,
mode = ServiceOuterClass.BroadcastMode.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK, // DEPRECATED. See note below
gasAdjustment = 1.5
is not recommended as your transaction may become successful past the time that
client blocks while waiting for the response. Instead use BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC
, and listen for transaction success
in the Event Stream or query the client with the transaction hash to find the outcome of submission.
You can read about the various broadcast modes supported here and here.
Using an existing wallet created with hdwallet to send hash from one address to another
import com.google.protobuf.Any
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString
import com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
import com.google.protobuf.Message
import cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Tx
import cosmos.base.v1beta1.CoinOuterClass
import cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.Keys
import cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxOuterClass
import io.provenance.client.grpc.BaseReqSigner
import io.provenance.client.grpc.Signer
import io.provenance.client.wallet.NetworkType
import java.net.URI
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import tech.figure.hdwallet.bip39.MnemonicWords
import tech.figure.hdwallet.wallet.Account
import tech.figure.hdwallet.wallet.Wallet
// Some helper extension methods:
fun Message.toAny(typeUrlPrefix: String = ""): Any = Any.pack(this, typeUrlPrefix)
fun Iterable<Any>.toTxBody(memo: String? = null): TxOuterClass.TxBody =
.also { builder -> memo?.run { builder.memo = this } }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create a wallet using the hdwallet library:
val wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(
hrp = NetworkType.TESTNET.prefix,
passphrase = "",
mnemonicWords = MnemonicWords.of("fly fly comfort"),
testnet = true
// Derive an account from a path:
val account: Account = wallet[NetworkType.TESTNET.path]
val address: String = account.address.value
// Construct the Provenance client:
val pbClient = PbClient(
chainId = "chain-local",
channelUri = URI("http://localhost:9090"),
gasEstimationMethod = GasEstimationMethod.MSG_FEE_CALCULATION,
opts = ChannelOpts(idleTimeout = (1L to TimeUnit.MINUTES))
// Implement the [Signer] interface for signing transactions on Provenance:
val signer = object : Signer {
override fun address(): String = address
override fun pubKey(): Keys.PubKey =
override fun sign(data: ByteArray): ByteArray = account.sign(data)
// Send some hash from one account to another:
val senderAddress = address
val receiverAddress = "tp1pxxgsr8efdxvfylxg5uewpalds6cg6c8eg0l9m"
println("Sending hash from $senderAddress to $receiverAddress")
// 1. Construct the coin amount:
val amount: CoinOuterClass.Coin = CoinOuterClass.Coin
// 2. Build the send message:
val sendMessage: GeneratedMessageV3 =
// 3. Wrap the message in a transaction body:
val txBody: TxOuterClass.TxBody = listOf(sendMessage.toAny()).toTxBody()
// 4. Estimate the gas fee for the transaction and broad cast it to the blockchain:
val response = pbClient.estimateAndBroadcastTx(
txBody = txBody,
signers = listOf(BaseReqSigner(signer))
println(if (response.txResponse.code == 0) "ok" else "error")