C# Classlibs for SIT232 Programming Tasks
- Table of Contents
- About The Project
- Built With
- License
- Design Patterns
- Final Portfolio
- Submissions
- Videos
- Contact
This repository contains projects and files in prepation for and completion of SIT232 - Object Oriented Programming, at Deakin University in Trimester 1, 2020.
The code is primarily C# .NET, however some files are written in Python.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- State Machine pattern
To run all unit tests, run:
dotnet test
- Task 1.1
- Task 1.2
- Task 2.1
- Task 2.2
- Task 2.3
- Task 3.1
- Task 3.2
- Task 3.3
- Task 3.4
- Task 4.1
- Task 4.2
- Task 5.1
- Task 5.2
- Task 5.3
- Task 5.4
- Task 6.1
- Task 6.2
- Task 7.1
- Task 8.1
- Task 1.1 Flow Control and Casting
- Task 1.2 Iteration
- Task 2.1 Classes and Objects
- Task 2.2 Bank Account Class
- Task 2.3 Replicating Time Objects
- Task 3.1 Arrays and Lists
- Task 3.2 Validating Bank Accounts
- Task 3.3 Polynomials
- Task 3.4 Bucket Sort
- Task 4.1 Error and Exception Handling
- Task 4.2 Duplicate Code and Composition
- Task 5.1 Class Inheritance
- Task 5.2 Bank Transaction Class
- Task 5.3 State Design Pattern
- Task 5.4 Enhanced Reaction Machine
- Task 6.1 Polymorphism
- Task 6.2 Bank Class for Banking Application
- Task 7.1 Banking Application Inheritance
- Task 8.1 UML Diagram
Peter Stacey - @twitter_handle - pstacey AT deakin.edu.au
Project Link: https://github.com/pscompsci/SIT232_Library