npm i --save @pubcore/http-client
import request from '@pubcore/http-client'
//a get request
request({uri:'', query:{id: 42}}).then(
result => {
//do something with result ...
err => {
//do someging with error ...
//post some json, with basic auth
request({uri:'', method:'post', username:'foo', password:'...', data:{name:'T-Bone'}, query:{id:42}}).then(
res => {
//show feedback
err => {
//do someging with error ...
✓ defaults to method get and accept application/json
✓ rejects to {code:"REQUEST_ERROR", ...}, e.g. on timeout
✓ rejects 4xx or 5xx to {code:"HTTP_ERROR", ...} (this is expected, not an exception)
✓ serializes query params in "qs" package default format
✓ has "authorization" argument to forward authentication
✓ exports function to create basic-auth value for "authorization" agrument
✓ has usernaame, password arguments for basic authentication
✓ has userAgent argument to define own one
✓ has "data" argument, treated as json (default) for post and put
✓ has "contentType" argument, if set to "urlEncoded" data is converted accordingly
✓ supports optional headers
✓ "__Host-Csrf-Token" cookie is forwarded via HTTP header "X-Csrf-Token" for POST, PUT and DELETE requests
Example if request failed (no response exists)
details: {
message: 'timeout',
uri: '',
method: 'get'
Example if request succeeded, but there is a http error (response exists)
headers:{'content-type': 'application/json'},
message:'Request failed with status code 500',
Example for "json" response:
status: 200,
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json' //,...}
body: {foo: bar}