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Alpaca Map Web Component 🦙

Web component created using lit

Audience 🗺️

  1. For farmers, tourist or travel organisations who want to display the map on their website see the end users section
  2. For developers see the developer section

For end users 🪩

  1. Copy and paste the lines below directly inside the <head></head> tag of website

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
  2. Generate a google maps API key

  3. Copy and paste the following code inside the <body></body> tag of website where the component should appear, replacing GOOGLE-API-KEY with your key

<alpaca-map apiKey="GOOGLE-API-KEY"></alpaca-map>
  1. Optional. To center the map on a favourite farm, replace the latitude and longitude with its centerLat and centerLng coordinates
   <alpaca-map apiKey="GOOGLE-API-KEY" centerLat="-33.8688" centerLng="151.2093"></alpaca-map>
  1. Optional. To override the data source, set the value of dataSource, eg
   <alpaca-map apiKey="GOOGLE-API-KEY" dataSource=""></alpaca-map>
  1. Optional. To override map markers linking to the farm page, set the value of linkToFarmPage
  • true- shows link on map marker to farm info page
  • false- does not show link


   <alpaca-map apiKey="GOOGLE-API-KEY" linkToFarmPage=false></alpaca-map>

For developers 🤖

Install app 🪴

  • Pre condition: Node version 22

npm install

API dependencies 🔗

Ensure APIs this app depends on are running

  1. /api/companies

Develop app 👷‍♀️

  • Pre condition: Build the file(s) indicated in build.js. Update as required

Build with hot refresh

npm run build:watch

Standard build

npm run build

Format the code

npm run prettier 🧪

Test app

Unit tests

npm run test

UI tests

  • Precondition: Install browsers for UI tests
npx playwright install --with-deps

Run tests headless mode

npm run test-ui

Interactive mode

npm run test-ui -- --ui

Run app 🚀

npm run start

Navigate to address shown in log


Trying out web compents with lit






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