Breaking changes
Drop Python 3.7 support and require the minimal jax version 0.4.
New Features
- New distributions:
- EulerMaruyama for modelling stochastic differential equations (SDE) (thanks to @yayami3)
- GaussianCopula and GaussianCopulaBeta (i.e. MultivariateBeta) to incorporate correlations into univariate random variables (thanks to @hessammehr)
- MatrixNormal generalizes multivariate normal to matrix-valued random variables (thanks to @kaijennissen)
- LogUniform distribution (thanks to @yayami3 and @andrewfowlie)
- New objective TraceEnum_ELBO to support enumeration in SVI (thanks to @ordabayevy)
- New tutorial:
- Text-Based Ideal Points using NumPyro (thanks to @elchorro)
- #1508 Allow rendering deterministic sites (thanks to @YanniPapandreou)
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- #1507 Made constraints robust to pickling (thanks to @pierreglaser)
- #1515 Fixed log_prob for negative correlation in SineBivariateVonMises distribution (thanks to @OlaRonning)
- #1509 Fixed a bug at flatten/unflatten distributions which mixed the order of arguments of the distributions (thanks to @hessammehr)
- #1494 Fixed Mixture distribution with unnormalized logits giving incorrect log_prob
- #1486 Returned a positive ordered vector when applies ExpTransform for an ordered vector
- #1491 Fixed Mixture intermediate values
- #1480 Fixed some computations in Bayesian Hierarchical Stacking tutorial (thanks to @cpieringer)
- #1478 Added icdf methods for Beta, Gamma, StudentT
- #1477 Allowed multiple arguments to initialize flax/haiku modules (thanks to @fehiepsi)
- #1475 Used TFP's
(which supports taking gradient w.r.t. parameters) in StudentT.cdf (thanks to @colehaus)