Breaking changes
Drops support for python 3.8 and requires jax version >= 0.4.14
New Features
- Distributions are now vmap-able (#1529) (a great contribution by @pierreglaser)
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Enhance LocScaleReparam's documentation (#1599) by @Madhav-Kanda
- Fix incorrect unflattenning of inverse transforms (#1600) by @pierreglaser
- Update Stein mixture (#1601 and #1612) by @OlaRonning
- Support model without global variables in AutoSemiDAIS (#1610 and #1619) by @fehiepsi
- Fix mixture assert message: string shoulf be f-string (#1617) by @adrn
- Add support for local variables in RenyiELBO (#1608) by @fehiepsi
- Fix quantile computation of mvn autoguides (#1622) by @fehiepsi
- Respect log_density in kl of delta (#1625) by @fehiepsi
- Add vectorized_particles to ELBO (#1624) by @fehiepsi
- Fix bug in SineBivariateVonMises sampler (#1628) by @deoxyribose
This release is composed of great contributions and feedback from the Pyro community. Thank you!