Breaking changes
Switch to softplus transforms for autoguide scales (thanks to experiments performed by @vitkl).
New Features
- New autoguide: AutoDAIS leverages HMC and annealed importance sampling within a variational inference framework
- New distributions: MixtureSameFamily, and directional distributions SineBivariateVonMises, SineSkewed
- New constraints: l1_ball for vectors with L1 norm less than 1
- New transforms: L1BallTransform, SimplexToOrderedTransform, ScaledUnitLowerCholeskyTransform
- #1116 New format_shapes utility to interpret the shapes of random variables/plates in a model.
- #1109 Allow direct use of TFP distributions in numpyro.sample
- New tutorials and examples:
- Principled prior with Dirichlet distribution for Ordinal Regression case study
- Horseshoe regression
- Bad posterior geometry and how to deal with it
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- #1108 Avoid numerical problems when using BernoulliProbs
- #1118 Recommend AutoNormal guide when hessian in AutoLaplace is singular
- #1126 Smarter warning about discrete inference in SVI models
- #1136 Support to use SA sampler with arviz
- #1139 Document Poisson
argument - #1140 Make Sigmoid and StickBreakingTransform more stable
- #1149 Raise value error if num_steps bad in svi.run
- #1162 Use black[jupyter] in notebooks
This release is composed of great contributions and feedback from the Pyro community: @MarcoGorelli @OlaRonning @d-diaz @quattro @svilupp @peterroelants @prashjet @freddyaboulton @tcbegley @julianstastny @alexlyttle and many others. Thank you!