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Releases: pyxem/kikuchipy

kikuchipy 0.11.1.post0

30 Nov 20:17
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing, simulating and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.

This post-release is necessary to include tests in the wheel distribution on PyPI.

kikuchipy 0.11.1

30 Nov 17:01
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing, simulating and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Reading of unprocessed patterns from H5OINA files is now possible. (#701)


  • Reading of Oxford binary *.ebsp files with version 6. (#700)
  • Unnecessary reading of unprocessed patterns from H5OINA files into the EBSD original metadata. (#701)

kikuchipy 0.11.0

09 Nov 18:21
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing, simulating and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • HyperSpy v2 compatibility. (#695)
  • Dependency on RosettaSciIO for read/write of HyperSpy's HDF5 and zarr files. (#694)


  • Minimum Python version is now 3.10. (#689)
  • Minimum HyperSpy version is now 2.2. (#695)
  • Markers returned from geometrical simulations and the virtual backscatter electron imager use the new HyperSpy 2.0 markers. (#695)
  • Progressbar when calculating kinematical master pattern shows progress per pole.


  • Contrasting background bounding box for zone axes labels returned as HyperSpy markers. They are not supported by HyperSpy v2. (#695)

kikuchipy 0.10.0

02 Jun 22:05
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing, simulating and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Minimum Python version is now 3.8. (#674)
  • Minimum NumPy version is now 1.23.0. (#674)
  • Minimum Numba version is now 0.57.0. (#674)
  • Minimum scikit-image version is now 0.22.0. (#674)
  • Upon creation of an EBSDDetector, the following attributes are forced to be floats: sample tilt, tilt, azimuthal angle, binning, pixel size, and the projection centers (PCs). (#677)
  • Simpler string representation of an EBSDDetector, also showing the sample tilt. (#677)
  • Exclude PyEBSDIndex versions 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 since these versions cannot perform Hough indexing with Dask arrays. This was previously unintentionally supported due to a side-effect. It should now be supported going forward. (#678)


  • The order of the new shape of the detector of a downsampled EBSD signal, returned from downsample(), was previously previously incorrect, (n columns, n rows). This is now correct, (n rows, n columns). (#674)

kikuchipy 0.9.0

03 Nov 12:13
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing, simulating and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Explicit support for Python 3.11. (#646)
  • Allow Hough indexing of all Laue groups with PyEBSDIndex v0.2 (not just m-3m, i.e. FCC and BCC). (#652)
  • Control of reflector lists in Hough indexing. One reflector list per phase in the phase list can be passed to EBSDDetector.get_indexer() to obtain an EBSDIndexer for use in EBSD.hough_indexing(). (#652)
  • Allow passing keyword arguments to EBSD.hough_indexing_optimize_pc() to control the new particle swarm optimization algorithm in PyEBSDIndex v0.2. (#652)
  • Allow getting one projection center (PC) per pattern when optimizing PCs using the new particle swarm optimization in PyEBSDIndex v0.2 (passing batch=True). (#652)


  • Parameter zone_axes_kwargs in GeometricalKikuchiPatternSimulation.as_collections() does not accept color internally to set the default color to white anymore. It accepts fc (facecolor) instead. This change was necessary to improve handling of other keyword arguments. (#643)
  • Increase minimal versions of diffsims, NumPy, Matplotlib, and PyEBSDIndex to 0.5.1, 1.21.6, 3.5, and 0.2, respectively. (#646, #652)
  • Remove dependency on Panel for documentation, and with that the interactive 3D visualization of master patterns in the documentation. The plan is to reintroduce the interactive plots with trame later on. (#652)
  • Restrict HyperSpy to below the forthcoming version 2. The plan is to remove this restriction once kikuchipy is compatible with this version. (#657)


  • generators and projections modules which were deprecated in version 0.8. (#612)
  • The deprecated PyPI selector viz is removed. (#643)
  • The data module functions silicon_ebsd_moving_screen_x(), where "x" is "in", "out5mm" or "out10mm". They were deprecated in version 0.8. (#656)


  • Conversion from EDAX TSL projection center (PC) convention for (PCy, PCz) for rectangular detectors is corrected. (#652)
  • Downloading files in the data module to the local cache on Windows. (#655)

kikuchipy 0.8.7

24 Jul 16:09
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing and analysis of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Passing a 3-component PC array with more than one dimension to EBSD.hough_indexing_optimize_pc() works. (#647)

kikuchipy 0.8.6

29 May 08:44
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing and analysis of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

This is a patch release fixing two issues in the EDAX binary and Oxford Instruments' H5OINA readers.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Use memory mapping (numpy.memmap()) instead of reading into memory (numpy.fromfile()) for non-lazy reading of EBSD patterns from EDAX binary .up1/2 files. (#641)


  • EBSD patterns from some EDAX binary .up1/2 files were incorrectly read due to an incorrect file offset, making the patterns appear shifted horizontally. (#641)
  • Reading of EBSD patterns from H5OINA files with the "Camera Binning Mode" dataset not containing the detector binning. (#641)

kikuchipy 0.8.5

21 May 11:44
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing and analysis of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Not-indexed points in crystal maps are handled correctly when merging. (#639)

kikuchipy 0.8.4

07 Apr 13:45
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing, simulating and indexing of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • Points considered not-indexed in a crystal map are maintained after EBSD orientation refinement. (#632)


  • EBSD detector returned from combined EBSD orientation and projection center (PC) refinement now has PC values equal to the number of indexed points, accounting for points not being in the data, navigation mask or points considered as not-indexed. This means that it might not have a 2D navigation shape, even though the returned crystal map has. (#632)

kikuchipy 0.8.3

23 Mar 11:00
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kikuchipy is an open-source Python library for processing and analysis of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) patterns.

See below, the changelog or the GitHub changelog for all updates from the previous release.


  • EBSD.hough_indexing() info message now informs that the given projection center is in Bruker's convention. (#628)