List of Starsky Projects
- starsky (sln) database photo index & import index project)
- starsky web api application / interface
- clientapp react front-end application
- starskyImporterCli import command line interface
- starskyGeoCli gpx sync and reverse 'geo tagging'
- starskyWebHtmlCli publish web images to a content package
- starskyWebFtpCli copy a content package to a ftp service
- starskyAdminCli manage user accounts
- starskySynchronizeCli check if disk changes are updated in the database
- starskyThumbnailCli speed web performance by generating smaller images
- Starsky Business Logic business logic libraries (netstandard 2.0)
- starskyTest mstest unit tests
- starsky web api application / interface
- starsky-tools nodejs tools to add-on tasks
- starskydesktop Desktop Application
- Download Desktop App Windows and Mac OS version
- Changelog Release notes and history
'Starsky Tools' are tools that you could use on the side and are helpers to use in combination with the starsky (mvc) application
- build-tools validation scripts
- dropbox import import from dropbox to the starskyImporterCli
- end2end Cypress end2end testing
- localtunnel debug clientapp (port 3000 + 5000) on mobile
- mail imap mail client to import files in Starsky
- mock mock of api
- sync sync, not working
- thumbnail remote client to generate thumbnails
- release-tools pipeline helpers for release end2end
- slack-notification send slack notifications in pipelines