These operators integrates your quantum workloads on OpenShift. It provides a development environment to implement quantum algorithms and runs them either on IBM quantum computers or simulators.
OpenShift Qiskit Operator
Operator sets up a development environment with an integrated Jupyter Notebook and pre-installed dependencies for running quantum circuits using your IBM Quantum account and Qiskit.
Example notebook implementing Grover's Search Algorithm
For getting started guides, installation, deployment and test OpenShift Qiskit operator follow here.
Kubernetes Qiskit Operator
Operator sets up a development environment with an integrated Jupyter Notebook and pre-installed dependencies for running quantum circuits using your IBM Quantum account and Qiskit. Operator supports both plain kubernetes and OpenShift clusters
For getting started guides, installation, deployment and test follow here.
OpenShift IBM Quantum Operator
OpenShift IBM quantum operator creates a flexible serving system for quantum circuits implemented in Qiskit. You can submit quantum workloads implemented in Qiskit which are executed on IBM Quantum systems and simulators. Workloads are executed as pods, orchestrated and managed by Kube APIs.
For getting started guides, installation, deployment and test OpenShift IBM quantum operator go here.
OpenShift quantum operators is a community driven project and we welcome contributions. Create PR to contribute.
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