WORK IN PROGRESS! A fast, customizable library inspired by ZonePlus, designed to help track players, parts, and custom objects that enter/exit/or currently reside within a volume/zone. To sound regions to damage zones, the sky is the limit! You can have any amount of volumes in your world at one time, volumes of any size, volumes of any shape; this library is designed to do the hard work for you and drive your 3D spaces to the next level.
- Volumes can be instantiated with a singular basepart, an array of baseparts, a folder/model containing descendants of baseparts, a table containing a position & size field, and an array of tables containing a position & size field.
- Query ANY instance within your volumes: players, parts, models, etc.
- Modify how volumes detect instances (whole body, rootpart, etc.) and the level of percision.
- Uses OverlapParams and collision detection to determine if objects reside within your volumes.
- Volumes are configurable with many settings for you to modify to your liking.
- Want a volume that isn't stationary, a movable damage zone you say? No worries, Volume+ will handle that for you, no extra work needed!
- And most importantly, this library is maintained!
Please read the CONTRIBUTING guide before opening issues or pull requests.
Volume+ is licensed freely under MIT. You may do whatever you like with this library as you see fit!