Epidemiemanagement für Gesundheitsbehörden durch Digitalisierung von Selbstauskünften bestätigter Quarantänefälle und Verdachtspersonen (inkl. Informationen zu Symptomen und Kontakten)
See our intro video!
This is a project in development. It has been created during the WirVsVirusHackathon.
Initial DB setup
- run docker-compose up
- connect to the database container
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash
su - postgres
createuser --interactive --pwprompt
- rolename :
- password:
- superuser: yes
- rolename :
createdb -O corona-report-app corona-report
Two health departments are created as dummy data upon startup with the following id and passcode: Testamt1 aba0ec65-6c1d-4b7b-91b4-c31ef16ad0a2 Testamt2 ca3f3e9a-414a-4117-a623-59b109b269f1