minerva_bucketing-replication folder has everything needed to replicate the study.
minerva_bucketing-replication/data folder has raw data downloaded from PITF & PRIO website.
minerva_bucketing-replication/output folder is used to store all model outputs.
Order of scripts
- Run PITF & PRIO case selection.ipynb
- For onset case selection from PITF & PRIO datasets, using 2-year-peace threshold
- Combining onset cases with IVs, using 2-year lag
- Run Euclidean Agnes PITF_3cluster.Rmd
- For base model in the paper
- Other .Rmd files are different model settings for sensitivity analysis
- For consolidated data visualization, use Radar Plots xxx.Rmd
- For outputs related to sensitivity analysis in the appendix, use Output Comparison.ipynb
Software requirements
- Python 3.7.6
- R 4.1.1