Hackathon starter pack: Flask (with Bootstrap and Jade, easy auth) backend, data munging tools, HTML5 mobile
To get the webserver running locally, go into the backend
directory and see the README.md
There's an opinionated selection of packages that can be easily installed :
SQlite or MySQL database
- SQLalchemy
Jade templates (with Jinja)
Javascript :
- JQuery, JQuery-Mobile, JQuery-tipsy (tooltips), d3.js, googlemaps
- Bootstrap
One aspect of the backend is the flexibility it has for user accounts, sites and sub-sites.
This is probably over-kill for a Hackerthon - but the code has all been tested in a live site,
and is (as authentication systems are) rather difficult to disentangle into simpler pieces.
There's a CSV to SQLlite ETL here.