Ribs can be used to make beautiful things, like functional list widgets and, according to a large number of people, women.
The meat and bones of Ribs is the Ribs.List
- an extention to Backbone view
which renders models from a collection and allows an intuitive way to define
actions to run against selected models.
A good way to learn how to use Ribs is to look at the annotated source of our demo application.
You can see the application in action here.
- Ribs compiled to JavaScript
- Ribs compiled to minfied JavaScript
- CSS which might make your widgets more palatable
Support for keyboard shortcuts is one of the more useful features of Ribs.
Ribs lists can have jumpkeys. Jumpkeys are prefixed by 'g' and will put keyboard focus on the first item in the Ribs list when triggered by the user.
Actions can have hotkeys. Pressing a hotkey will trigger the action. Input to actions is a list of all selected items in the focussed Ribs list.
Both Jumpkeys and Hotkeys can be discovered by the user by hitting the global
hotkey ?
. Calling Ribs.getKeyboardManager().showKeyboardBindings()
will do the same.
Ribs is a work in progress. It seems to work well in the lastest Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Please let us know if something is wrong by filing an issue on GitHub.