HyPA is a mod for Planetary Annihilation which creates a "faster" experience.
HyPA provides:
- 2x build rate
- 2x econ rate
- 1.5x movement speed
- 1.5x attack speed
HyPA supports the following unit-adding mods without needing a compatibility patch (Class 1 Support):
- Legion 1.30.1-120799
- Bug Faction 1.30
- Second Wave 0.14.2
- Section 17 0.8.2
- Upgradable Turrets 1.13
- Dozer 1.1.1
HyPA supports the following mods via additional compatibility patches (Class 2 Support):
- Thorosmen 2.4.2
- Telemazer go BRRR 0.3.0
HyPA does not currently support the following unit-adding mods:
- Scenario Server (bug mode!)
- Aurora Artillery
- Not Enough Energy
- Baboom
- Titan Gantry
- Units as Commanders
- Return of the Radar
- Anything not listed above
HyPA usually does not support balance alteration mods, including:
- Commander Reclaim
- Hover'n'Naval
- Multi-Unit Transports
- Replication
- Kuiju can use teleporters
- Various other mods