This is a simple project to facilitate updating dynamic DNS settings in Azure's DNS zones. The most common use case is to update remote sites that may be behind a dynamic address.
To use this container, you will need a service principal with access to your DNS zone. Here is a procedure to create it with the Azure CLI:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ServicePrincipalName --role "DNS Zone Contributor" --scopes /subscriptions/{SubID}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/dnszones/{your_dns_zone} --years 20
docker run -e AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<your-subscription-id> \
-e AZURE_TENANT_ID=<your-tenant-id> \
-e AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<your-client-id> \
-e AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-client-secret> \
-e DNS_ZONE=<your-zone> \
-e DNS_RESOURCE_GROUP=<your-group> \
-e DNS_RECORD=<your-record> \
This will create the required secret, and a cron job that runs every hour.
kubectl create secret generic azure-creds \
--from-literal=subscription_id=<your-subscription-id> \
--from-literal=tenant_id=<your-tenant-id> \
--from-literal=client_id=<your-client-id> \
--from-literal=client_secret=<your-client-secret> \
--from-literal=dns_resource_group=<your-dns-resource-group> \
--from-literal=dns_zone=<your-dns-zone> \
kubectl apply -f azure-dns-updater.yaml
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