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reorganized scripts, now split by spatial package
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mtennekes committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 5864520 commit 6ccd06d
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Showing 19 changed files with 737 additions and 752 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion R/auto_crs.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ auto_crs = function(x, world_crs = "+proj=eck4") {
# placeholder for new automatic-crs function implemented elsewhere

# for the time being: use unprojected coordinates
st_crs(x) # was 4326, but this may cause transformation

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions R/spatial_raster.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#' @export
tmapShape.Raster = function(shp, is.main, crs, bbox, unit, filter, shp_name, smeta, o, tmf) {
tmapShape.SpatRaster(terra::rast(shp), is.main, crs, bbox, unit, filter, shp_name, smeta, o, tmf)

#' @export
tmapSubsetShp.Raster = function(shp, vars) {
tmapSubsetShp.SpatRaster(terra::rast(shp), vars)

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta1.Raster = function(shp, o) {
tmapGetShapeMeta1.SpatRaster(terra::rast(shp), o)
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions R/spatial_sf.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
#' @export
tmapReproject.sfc = function(shp, tmapID, bbox = NULL, ..., crs) {
if ( {
shp2 = shp
#sf::st_crs(shp2) = crs
#warning("Setting missing CRS to ", as.character(crs))
} else {
shp2 = sf::st_transform(shp, crs)
if (!is.null(bbox$x)) bbox = list(x =, c(bbox, list(projection = crs))))
shapeTM(shp2, tmapID, bbox, ...)

#' @export
tmapShape.sf = function(shp, is.main, crs, bbox, unit, filter, shp_name, smeta, o, tmf) {
if (identical(crs, "auto")) crs = auto_crs(shp) else crs = sf::st_crs(crs)
reproj = (!is.null(crs) && ! && sf::st_crs(shp) != crs)

if (reproj) {
if (crs_is_ortho(crs)) {
shp4326 = sf::st_transform(shp, 4326)
visible = crs_ortho_visible(crs, projected = FALSE)
if (!sf::st_is_valid(visible)) visible = sf::st_make_valid(visible)
shp = suppressMessages(sf::st_intersection(shp4326, visible))
}, error = function(e) {
shp = sf::st_transform(shp, crs = crs)

sfc = sf::st_geometry(shp)

if (inherits(sfc[[1]], c("XYZ", "XYM", "XYZM"))) {
sfc = sf::st_zm(sfc)

if (o$check.and.fix) sfc = check_fix(sfc, shp_name, reproj, o$show.messages)

# if check_fix fails, is_valid contains the valid ids
isv = attr(sfc, "is_valid")
if (!is.null(isv)) {
shp = shp[isv,]
dt =

dtcols = copy(names(dt))

#if (is.null(bbox)) bbox = sf::st_bbox(sfc)

if (is.null(filter)) filter = rep_len(TRUE, nrow(dt))
dt[, ':='(tmapID__ = 1L:nrow(dt), sel__ = filter)]

make_by_vars(dt, tmf, smeta)

shpTM = shapeTM(shp = sfc, tmapID = 1L:(length(sfc)), bbox = bbox)

structure(list(shpTM = shpTM, dt = dt, is.main = is.main, dtcols = dtcols, shpclass = "sfc", bbox = bbox, unit = unit, shp_name = shp_name, smeta = smeta), class = "tmapShape")

#' @export
tmapSubsetShp.sf = function(shp, vars) {

if ("AREA" %in% vars && !("AREA" %in% names(shp))) {
shp$AREA = sf::st_area(shp)
if ("LENGTH" %in% vars && !("LENGTH" %in% names(shp))) {
shp$LENGTH = sf::st_length(shp)
if ("MAP_COLORS" %in% vars) {
shp$MAP_COLORS = as.factor(tmaptools::map_coloring(shp))

if (!length(vars)) {
vars = "dummy__"
shp$dummy__ = logical(nrow(shp))
shp[, vars]

#' @export
tmapSubsetShp.sfc = function(shp, vars) {
s = sf::st_sf(dummy__ = TRUE, geometry = shp)
if ("AREA" %in% vars) {
s$AREA = sf::st_area(shp)
if ("LENGTH" %in% vars) {
s$LENGTH = sf::st_length(shp)
if ("MAP_COLORS" %in% vars) {
s$MAP_COLORS = tmaptools::map_coloring(s)

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta2.sf = function(shp, smeta, o) {
vars = setdiff(names(shp), attr(shp, "sf_column"))
smeta$vars_levs = lapply(seq_along(vars), function(i) {
get_fact_levels_na(shp[[i]], o)
names(smeta$vars_levs) = vars

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta1.sf = function(shp, o) {
vars = setdiff(names(shp), attr(shp, "sf_column"))
names(vars) = vars
#vars_levs = lapply(vars, function(v) {get_fact_levels_na(shp[[v]], o)})
dims = character(0)
dims_vals = list()

list(vars = vars,
dims = dims,
dims_vals = dims_vals)

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta2.sfc = function(shp, smeta, o) {
vars = character(0)
smeta$vars_levs = list()

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta1.sfc = function(shp, o) {
vars = character(0)
dims = character(0)
dims_vals = list()

list(vars = vars,
dims = dims,
dims_vals = dims_vals)
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions R/spatial_sp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#' @export
tmapShape.Spatial = function(shp, is.main, crs, bbox, unit, filter, shp_name, smeta, o, tmf) {
tmapShape.sf(as(shp, "sf"), is.main, crs, bbox, unit, filter, shp_name, smeta, o, tmf)

#' @export
tmapSubsetShp.Spatial = function(shp, vars) {
tmapSubsetShp.sf(as(shp, "sf"), vars)

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta1.Spatial = function(shp, o) {
tmapGetShapeMeta1.SpatRaster(as(shp, "sf"), o)
200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions R/spatial_stars.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
#' @export
tmapReproject.stars = function(shp, tmapID, bbox = NULL, ..., crs) {
shp[[1]] = tmapID

shp2 = transwarp(shp, crs, raster.warp = TRUE)
tmapID2 = shp2[[1]]
shp2[[1]] = NA

if (!is.null(bbox$x)) bbox = list(x =, c(bbox, list(projection = crs))))

shapeTM(shp2, tmapID2, bbox, ...)

#' @export
tmapReproject.dimensions = function(shp, tmapID, bbox = NULL, ..., crs) {
s = structure(list(tmapID = matrix(tmapID, nrow = nrow(shp))), dimensions = shp, class = "stars")

if ( {
shp2 = s
} else {
shp2 = transwarp(s, crs, raster.warp = TRUE)

tmapID2 = shp2[[1]]

d2 = stars::st_dimensions(shp2)
if (!is.null(bbox$x)) bbox = list(x =, c(bbox, list(projection = crs))))

shapeTM(d2, tmapID2, bbox, ...)

#' @export
tmapShape.stars = function(shp, is.main, crs, bbox, unit, filter, shp_name, smeta, o, tmf) {
if (identical(crs, "auto")) crs = auto_crs(shp)

dev = getOption("tmap.devel.mode")

if (dev) cat("-- stars object:", shp_name, "--\n")

if (!has_raster(shp)) {
dimnms = dimnames(shp)

dimvals = lapply(1:length(dimnms), function(i) stars::st_get_dimension_values(shp, i))
dimsfc = vapply(dimvals, inherits, what = "sfc", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))

if (!any(dimsfc)) {
stop("stars object ", shp_name, " is a stars object without raster and doens't have a geometry dimension")
} else {
dimid = which(dimsfc)
geoms = dimvals[[dimid]]
dimnms_new = dimnms
dimnms_new[dimid] = "tmapID__"
dimcols = dimnms_new[-dimid] # columns names, used for default facetting
dimvls = lapply(dimcols, function(d) stars::st_get_dimension_values(shp, d))
shpnames = names(shp)
shp = stars::st_set_dimensions(shp, dimnms[dimid], values = seq_along(geoms))
shp = stars::st_set_dimensions(shp, names = dimnms_new)

dt =

if (!is.null(crs) && sf::st_crs(geoms) != crs) {
shp = sf::st_transform(shp, crs)
} else {
shp = geoms
shpTM = shapeTM(shp = shp, tmapID = seq_along(shp), bbox = bbox)

shpclass = "sfc"
} else {
shp = downsample_stars(shp, max.raster = o$raster.max.cells / (o$fn[1] * o$fn[2]))
if (!is.null(crs) && sf::st_crs(shp) != crs) {
shp = transwarp(shp, crs, raster.warp = TRUE)

dims = stars::st_dimensions(shp)
rst = attr(dims, "raster")

dim_xy = get_xy_dim(shp)
dimsxy = dims[names(dim_xy)]

if (rst$curvilinear) {
shp3 = shp
attr(shp3, "dimensions")[[rst$dimensions[1]]]$values = 1L:nrow(shp)
attr(shp3, "dimensions")[[rst$dimensions[2]]]$values = 1L:ncol(shp)
attr(attr(shp3, "dimensions"), "raster")$curvilinear = FALSE
} else {
shp2 = stars::st_set_dimensions(shp, rst$dimensions[1], values = 1L:nrow(shp))
shp3 = stars::st_set_dimensions(shp2, rst$dimensions[2], values = 1L:ncol(shp))

dt =, center = FALSE)

if (!all(names(shp3) %in% names(dt))) {
subst_names = tail(names(dt), length(shp3))
for (i in 1L:length(shp3)) {
setnames(dt, subst_names[i], names(shp3)[i])

setnames(dt, names(dim_xy)[1], "X__")
setnames(dt, names(dim_xy)[2], "Y__")

dt[, tmapID__ := as.integer((Y__-1) * nrow(shp) + X__)]
dt[, X__:= NULL]
dt[, Y__:= NULL]

data.table::setorder(dt, cols = "tmapID__")

shp = dimsxy
shpclass = "stars"

shpTM = shapeTM(shp = shp, tmapID = 1L:(nrow(shp) * ncol(shp)), bbox = bbox)


make_by_vars(dt, tmf, smeta)

#if (is.null(bbox)) bbox = sf::st_bbox(shp)

dtcols = setdiff(names(dt), "tmapID__")

filter = if (is.null(filter)) {
rep(TRUE, nrow(dt))
} else filter[dt$tmapID__]
dt[, ':='(sel__ = filter)] # tmapID__ = 1L:nrow(dt),

for (nm in dtcols) {
if (is.factor(dt[[nm]])) {
lvls = levels(dt[[nm]])
cols = attr(dt[[nm]], "colors")
ids = seq_along(lvls)[lvls!="NA"]
if (!is.null(cols)) {
#if (any(lvls=="NA")) {
dt[[nm]] = factor(as.integer(dt[[nm]]), levels = ids, labels = paste(lvls[ids], cols[ids], sep = "=<>="))
#dt[[nm]] = factor()

structure(list(shpTM = shpTM, dt = dt, is.main = is.main, dtcols = dtcols, shpclass = shpclass, bbox = bbox, unit = unit, shp_name = shp_name, smeta = smeta), class = "tmapShape")

#' @export
tmapSubsetShp.stars = function(shp, vars) {
ids = unique(c(which(names(shp) %in% vars),
which(names(shp) %in% vars)))
shp2 = shp[ids]
if (!length(vars)) {
shp2$dummy__ = TRUE

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta1.stars = function(shp, o) {
d = stars::st_dimensions(shp)

if (!has_raster(shp)) {
d_non_xy = local({
dimvals = lapply(seq_along(d), function(i) stars::st_get_dimension_values(shp, i))
dimsfc = vapply(dimvals, inherits, what = "sfc", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
} else {
d_non_xy = local({
dxy = attr(d, "raster")$dimensions
d[setdiff(names(d), dxy)]

dims = names(d_non_xy)
dims_vals = lapply(dims, function(d) stars::st_get_dimension_values(shp, d))
names(dims_vals) = dims

vars_orig = names(shp)
vars = vars_orig #make.names(vars_orig)
names(vars) = vars_orig
list(vars = vars,
dims = dims,
dims_vals = dims_vals)

#' @export
tmapGetShapeMeta2.stars = function(shp, smeta, o) {
smeta$vars_levs = lapply(seq_len(length(shp)), function(i) {
get_fact_levels_na(shp[[i]], o)
names(smeta$vars_levs) = names(shp)


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