In this repository all Core Java related programs are added, which are mostly tricky one.
Topics: Core java, Collection, Multi threading, Data Structure, Generics, Java8 features, Streams, Functional Interfaces, Reflection, Recursion, Comparator related interview programs.
Here all related codes are places in respective packages listed below.
- API call
- Combination
- Comparator
- Conversions
- Copy
- Data Structure
- Elevator program
- Finally Block
- Generics
- Hash and Equals
- Image Compression
- Immutable
- Interface - Functional Interface
- Java 8 Features
- List Operations
- Map Operations
- Method Calls
- Numbers Operations
- Overriding
- Palindrome
- Pattern programs
- Permutation
- Recursion
- Reflection
- Runtime Package
- Singleton Prevention
- Store SQL
- Multi-threading
- Blocking Queue
- Countdown Latch
- Cyclic Barrier
- Hello World Printing(100 times) from 2 Different Threads
- Java Atomic Integer
- Join in Thread
- Hello World Printing from 2 Different Threads
- Producer and Consumer using Synchronized Blocks
- Producer and Consumer using Locks
- Return/Get Value from Thread
- Return/Get Value from Thread using Callable Interface
- Sum of Numbers Range using Executor Framework
- Synchronized method test
- Thread Groups
- Wait and Notify