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Signed-off-by: (Bit-Mage) <[email protected]>
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(Bit-Mage) committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 287596e commit 00bc9d5
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,171 @@
#+title: Advent of Code 2024
#+filetags: :project:

* Day 6
#+begin_src lisp
(ql:quickload :uiop)
(ql:quickload :alexandria)

(defvar input (uiop:read-file-lines "test.txt"))

(defun gen-util-funcs (arr)
(macrolet ((in? (i low high)
`(and (< ,i ,high)
(>= ,i ,low))))
(let ((rows (length arr))
(cols (length (car arr)))
(utils (make-hash-table)))
(setf (gethash :idx utils )
(lambda (i j)
;; indexer
(aref (nth i arr) j)))
(setf (gethash :set utils)
(lambda (i j char)
(setf (aref (nth i arr) j) char)))
(setf (gethash :chk utils)
(lambda (i j)
;; validity checker
(and (in? i 0 rows)
(in? j 0 cols))))

(defvar utils (gen-util-funcs input))

(defun fetch (i j)
(when (funcall (gethash :chk utils) i j)
(funcall (gethash :idx utils) i j)))

(defun setgr (i j char)
(when (funcall (gethash :chk utils) i j)
(funcall (gethash :set utils) i j char)))

(defun setgrl (l char)
(setgr (car l) (cadr l) char))

(defun fetchl (l)
(fetch (car l) (cadr l)))

;; orientation can be decided by current stepper func
;; storing such that when you cycling through them is turning right
(defvar dirs
#'(lambda (i j)
(list (1- i) j))
#'(lambda (i j)
(list i (1+ j)))
#'(lambda (i j)
(list (1+ i) j))
#'(lambda (i j)
(list i (1- j)))))

(defvar dir-hash (make-hash-table))
(setf (gethash #\^ dir-hash) 0)
(setf (gethash #\> dir-hash) 1)
(setf (gethash #\v dir-hash) 2)
(setf (gethash #\< dir-hash) 3)

(defun yield-dir (dx)
(nth dx dirs))

(defun turn-right (dx)
(mod (1+ dx) 4))

(defun turn-left (dx)
(mod (1- dx) 4))

(defun turn-around (dx)
(mod (+ 2 dx) 4))

;; moving around
;; given initial directions
;; dowhile with a counter map and incf for new place
;; continue until fetch is nil
;; when fetch is obstacle, turn right
;; when fetch is ., step
;; recurse

(defun detect-initial-pos-dir ()
(dotimes (i (length input))
(dotimes (j (length (car input)))
(let ((curr (fetch i j)))
(when (not (find curr (list #\. #\#)))
(setgr i j #\X)
(return-from detect-initial-pos-dir (list i j (gethash curr dir-hash))))))))

;; store dirs walked at an x
;; when x and dir sync, stop step

(defun walkeds (input)
(loop repeat (length input)
collect (loop repeat (length (car input))
collect '())))

(defvar walkeds (walkeds input))

(defmacro fwalkeds (i j)
`(nth ,j (nth ,i walkeds)))

(defun inswalkeds (i j char)
(setf (fwalkeds i j) (cons char (fwalkeds i j))))

(defun coincides? (i j dir)
(find dir (fwalkeds i j)))

(defvar found-obs '())

(defun already-placed? (i j)
(find -1 (fwalkeds i j)))

(defun potential-obs-ahead? (i j dir)
((not (fetch i j)) nil)
((coincides? i j dir) t)
(let ((next (funcall (yield-dir dir) i j)))
(if (eq (fetchl next) #\#)
(apply #'potential-obs-ahead? (append next (list (turn-right dir))))
(potential-obs-ahead? (car next) (cadr next) dir))))))

(defun walk ()
(let ((marked 1)
(potential-obs 0)
(obses '())
(pos-dir (detect-initial-pos-dir)))
(labels ((stp (dx i j)
(let* ((next (funcall (yield-dir dx) i j))
(fnext (fetchl next)))
(inswalkeds i j dx)
(cond ((eq fnext #\.) (progn
(when (potential-obs-ahead? i j (turn-right dx))
(when (apply #'already-placed? next)
(decf potential-obs))
(setf obses (cons (list (list 'in-from i j)
`('obs-on ,@next) dx (turn-right dx))
(incf potential-obs))
(setgrl next #\X)
(incf marked)
(stp dx (car next) (cadr next))))
((eq fnext #\#) (stp (turn-right dx) i j))
((eq fnext #\X)
(when (potential-obs-ahead? i j (turn-right dx))
(when (apply #'already-placed? next)
(decf potential-obs))
(setf obses (cons (list (list 'in-from i j)
`('obs-on ,@next) dx (turn-right dx))
(incf potential-obs))
(stp dx (car next) (cadr next))))
(t (list obses marked potential-obs))))))
(inswalkeds (car pos-dir)
(cadr pos-dir)
(caddr pos-dir))
(stp (caddr pos-dir)
(car pos-dir)
(cadr pos-dir)))))
* Day 5
#+begin_src lisp
(ql:quickload :uiop)
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Content/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
:ID: bf268a5b-ceb1-4fe7-93c9-d71b401ed363
#+title: Median-Finding
#+filetags: :algo:

* Linear time

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