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Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with wildfly
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This Wildfly module lets you use Puppet to install, deploy and configure multiple WildFly's (standalone only).

The module is based/uses code from the following modules:

The best scenario would have been incorporating this code in the biemond-wildfly module, it is an issue: voxpupuli/puppet-wildfly#149

But we decided to give it our own twist and release this module, it is in NO WAY a real alternative to the biemond-wildfly module, it lacks a lot of features we would like to add, by releasing it to the public we hope to get movement on this module and improve the quality. Be free to test this release and make (major) PR's available for us.


What wildfly affects

It will install a WildFly version by your choice in a given directory.

Setup Requirements

This module requires the following modules:

Beginning with wildfly

This module is multi-based, it is not possible to just include the module and be done with it. It requires at least these lines of code to get a working installation.


The most basic usage would be the following:

wildfly::install { 'wildfly8':
  catalina_home => '/opt/wildfly8',
  source        => '',
wildfly::instance { 'wildfly8':
  catalina_home  => '/opt/wildfly8',
  manage_service => true,
  port_properties => { "management-http" => 19990, "management-https" => 19993, "ajp" => 18009, "http" => 18080, "https" => 18443, },

This will install WildFly version 8 in /opt/wildfly8 with custom portnumbers. Note that the 'catalina_home' variable is the leading variable which determines which WildFly instance is configured.

Parameters wildfly class


Type: Path
Default: /opt/wildfly
Values: Any valid path
Description: Specifies the path to install WildFly


Type: string
Default: wildfly
Values: a string value
Description: Specifies the user under which the WildFly instance should run, when manage_user is set to true the user will be created


Type: string
Default: wildfly
Values: a string value
Description: Specifies the group under which the WildFly instance should run, when manage_group is set to true the group will be created


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the user defined in user


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the group defined in group


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the directory defined in catalina_home


Type: hash
Default: { 'username' => 'puppet', 'password' => fqdn_rand_string(30) }
Values: hash with username and password as a string
Description: Specifies the managment user and password


Type: hash
Default: { 'management-http' => 9990, 'management-https' => 9993, 'ajp' => 8009, 'http' => 8080, 'https' => 8443 }
Values: hash with numeric values for port nummers
Description: Specifies portnumbers for management-http, management-https, ajp, http and https


Type: hash
Default: { 'management' => '', 'public' => '' }
Values: hash with ipaddresses for management and public as a ip4 ip address
Description: Specifies the managment and public ipaddress as a ip4 ip address

Parameters wildfly::install define


Type: Path
Default: title of this define
Values: Any valid path
Description: Specifies the path to install WildFly must be unique for multiple instances


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies to install WildFly from a tar.gz file when true or from a package when false


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: an url to the instalation file for a WildFly or JDBC-driver
Description: Specifies the url for an installation of WildFly (which should be a tar.gz file) or a JDBCD-driver (which should be a jar-file)


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: a sha256 value
Description: Specifies the checksum_type checksum of the source specified


Type: list
Default: sha256
Values: sha1, sha256, sha512
Description: Specifies the checksumtype to use for calculating the checksum


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies that the first directory from the archive is stripped, most archives require this


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: undef, http, https, ftp
Description: Specifies the proxy server type used by proxy_server. Normally this defaults to the protocol specified in the proxy_server URI


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: proxy-server
Description: Specifies a proxy server to use when downloading WildFly binaries


Type: boolean
Default: false
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies if a https-url needs to secure (certificate check ok)


Type: string
Default: $::wildfly::user
Values: a string value
Description: Specifies the user under which the WildFly instance should run, when manage_user is set to true the user will be created


Type: string
Default: $::wildfly::group
Values: a string value
Description: Specifies the group under which the WildFly instance should run, when manage_group is set to true the group will be created


Type: boolean
Default: $::wildfly::manage_user
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the user defined in user


Type: boolean
Default: $::wildfly::manage_group
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the group defined in group


Type: boolean
Default: $::wildfly::manage_base
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the directory defined in catalina_home


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: present/absent
Description: Specifies if the package should be present or absent, only valid when install_from_source is set to false


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: package name
Description: Specifies the name of the package to install, only valid when install_from_source is set to false


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: options
Description: Specifies options for when installing a package

Parameters wildfly::instance define


Type: Path
Default: $::wildfly::catalina_home
Values: Any valid path
Description: Specifies the path to install WildFly


Type: string
Default: $::wildfly::user
Values: a string value
Description: Specifies the user under which the WildFly instance should run, when manage_user is set to true the user will be created


Type: string
Default: $::wildfly::group
Values: a string value
Description: Specifies the group under which the WildFly instance should run, when manage_group is set to true the group will be created


Type: boolean
Default: $::wildfly::manage_user
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the user defined in user


Type: boolean
Default: $::wildfly::group
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to create or not the group defined in group


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true/false
Description: Specifies whenever to enable the WildFly instance


Type: hash
Default: $::wildfly::port_properties
Values: hash with numeric values for port nummers
Description: Specifies portnumbers for management-http, management-https, ajp, http and https


Type: hash
Default: $::wildfly::ip_properties
Values: hash with ipaddresses for management and public as a ip4 ip address
Description: Specifies the managment and public ipaddress as a ip4 ip address


Type: path
Default: undef
Values: none
Description: Specifies the path for the Java installation to use


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: none
Description: Specifies the options for Java


Type: string
Default: 256m
Values: any
Description: Specifies the xms setting for Java


Type: string
Default: 512m
Values: any
Description: Specifies the xmx setting for Java


Type: boolean
Default: false
Values: any
Description: Specifies whenever to enable a debug port


Type: integer
Default: 8787
Values: port-number
Description: Specifies the portnumber for the debug port

Parameters wildfly::resource define


Type: hash
Default: $::wildfly::mgmt_user
Values: hash with username and password as a string Description: Specifies the managment user and password


Type: hash
Default: $::wildfly::port_properties
Values: hash with numeric values for port nummers
Description: Specifies portnumbers for management-http, management-https, ajp, http and https


Type: hash
Default: $::wildfly::ip_properties
Values: hash with ipaddresses for management and public as a ip4 ip address
Description: Specifies the managment and public ipaddress as a ip4 ip address


Type: Enum[String]
Default: present
Values: |present/absent
Description: Specifies wheter the resource should be present or absent


Type: boolean
Default: false
Values: true / false
Description: Specifies whether it should manage the resource recursively or not


Type: boolean
Default: false
Values: true / false
Description: Specifies Whether it should undefine attributes with undef value


Type: hash
Default: empty
Values: hash with content/state
Description: Specifies Sets the content/state of the target resource


Type: hash
Default: empty
Values: hash with operation headers
Description: Specifies Sets operation-headers (e.g. { 'allow-resource-service-restart' => true, 'rollback-on-runtime-failure' => false, 'blocking-timeout' => 600}) to be used when creating/destroying this resource.


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: name of the target profile
Description: Specifies Sets the target profile to prefix resource name. Requires domain mode

Parameters wildfly::service define


Type: Enum[String]
Default: running
Values: running / stopped
Description: Specifies wheter the service should be running or stopped


Type: boolean
Default: true
Values: true / false
Description: Specifies whether the service should be started after a reboot


Type: string
Default: $title
Values: valid string with the name of the service
Description: Specifies the name of the service

Parameters wildfly::cli define


Type: string
Default: $title
Values: valid command to execute
Description: Specifies The actual command to execute


Type: string
Default: cmd to check status
Values: valid command to execute
Description: If this parameter is set, then this cli will only run if this command condition is met


Type: string
Default: cmd to check status
Values: valid command to execute
Description: If this parameter is set, then this cli will run unless this command condition is met


Type: hash
Default: { 'username' => 'puppet', 'password' => fqdn_rand_string(30) }
Values: hash with username and password as a string
Description: Specifies the managment user and password


Type: hash
Default: { 'management-http' => 9990, 'management-https' => 9993, 'ajp' => 8009, 'http' => 8080, 'https' => 8443 }
Values: hash with numeric values for port nummers
Description: Specifies portnumbers for management-http, management-https, ajp, http and https


Type: hash
Default: { 'management' => '', 'public' => '' }
Values: hash with ipaddresses for management and public as a ip4 ip address
Description: Specifies the managment and public ipaddress as a ip4 ip address

Parameters wildfly::datasource::driver define


Type: array
Default: undef
Values: array os strings
Description: Specifies the dependencies for a module in WildFly


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: name of the driver
Description: Specifies the name of the driver


Type: string
Default: undef
Values: name of the module driver
Description: Specifies the name of the module driver


Add datasource

wildfly::config::module { 'org.postgresql:/opt/wildfly10':
  source       => '',
  checksum     => '4523ed32e9245e762e1df9f0942a147bece06561770a9195db093d9802297735',
  dependencies => ['javax.api',
wildfly::datasources::driver { 'Driver postgresql:/opt/wildfly10':
  driver_name                     => 'postgresql',
  driver_module_name              => 'org.postgresql',
  driver_xa_datasource_class_name => 'org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource',
  port_properties                 => { 'management-http' => 39990, 'management-https' => 39993, 'ajp' => 38009, 'http' => 38080, 'https' => 38443, },
wildfly::datasources::datasource { 'DemoDS:/opt/wildfly10':
  config          => {
    'driver-name'    => 'postgresql',
    'connection-url' => 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/postgres',
    'jndi-name'      => 'java:jboss/datasources/DemoDS',
  port_properties => { 'management-http' => 39990, 'management-https' => 39993, 'ajp' => 38009, 'http' => 38080, 'https' => 38443, },


Here, include a complete list of your module's classes, types, providers, facts, along with the parameters for each. Users refer to this section (thus the name "Reference") to find specific details; most users don't read it per se.


This is where you list OS compatibility, version compatibility, etc. If there are Known Issues, you might want to include them under their own heading here.


Since your module is awesome, other users will want to play with it. Let them know what the ground rules for contributing are.

Release Notes/Contributors/Etc. Optional

If you aren't using changelog, put your release notes here (though you should consider using changelog). You can also add any additional sections you feel are necessary or important to include here. Please use the ## header.


Here, include a complete list of your module's classes, types, providers, facts, along with the parameters for each. Users refer to this section (thus the name "Reference") to find specific details; most users don't read it per se.


This module only works on RedHat 6 and 7, this is due to the limitations of WildFly (V11 and higher) and it's support for Java 1.7


You can contribute by submitting issues, providing feedback and joining the discussions.

Go to:

If you want to fix bugs, add new features etc:

  • Fork it
  • Create a feature branch ( git checkout -b my-new-feature )
  • Apply your changes and update rspec tests
  • Run rspec tests ( bundle exec rake spec )
  • Commit your changes ( git commit -am 'Added some feature' )
  • Push to the branch ( git push origin my-new-feature )
  • Create new Pull Request


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