Led and show list
Groups can be created to contain leds
Leds and Groups support drag and drop reordering
Right click renaming and deleting of leds, groups and shows
Right click to duplicate led(very helpful for similar leds) or show will copy properties of led or show to a new led or show
Right click a show to export it to .lampshow file it will be created in the same folder alongside the .json lampshows
Selecting led highlights it on playfield in blue and shows its properties
Properties View
Select image to use as playfield image (browse button)
Scale playfield to adjust size of leds compared with playfield image. Use this first to match led size as close as possible and then fine tune individual leds
Enable/disable visibility of playfield to more easily see leds
Properties of led including: name, angle, shape, scale, single colour or RGB (RGB support coming in v0.2)
Select colour of led
Add an event to the selected led show by entering start and end frame and pressing add event
Playfield View
Resizes playfield image and leds to match available screen size
Left click to select a led
Drag a led to move it into position
leds update their colour as show is played
Timeline View
Lists leds that are involved in the selected show
Right click led to remove it from show
Added events appear alongside corresponding led at appropriate frame intervals
Play/Pause/Step and jump to functionality
Right click to delete an event from the timeline (more timeline direct event editing to come in v0.2)
On first startup an example using Indy will load. It contains 2 example led shows and a bunch of leds. It is best to have an individual folder for each playfield but the folder can be located anywhere. However a ledshows folder must reside in the same folder as the config file.